Unlike Illegal hCG That is Sold via the Internet, Qualified Diet Doc Patients Can Accelerate Weight Loss by Including Pure, Prescription Hormone Diet Treatments to their Fast Weight Loss Protocol

After a personal, online doctor interview and consultation, qualified Diet Doc patients can accelerate the rate at which dangerous and embarrassing excess fat melts from their body by incorporating pure, prescription hormone diet treatments

LOS ANGELES, Jan. 21, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diet Doc patients across the country are feeling better, both physically and emotionally, by discarding pounds and inches from the most difficult to lose areas of their body. Now, Diet Doc patients, who qualify after a doctor consultation and review of the system, can accelerate the rate at which they see fat melting form the hips, thighs, underarms, buttocks and belly by incorporating the company's safe and pure prescription hormone diet treatments into their fast weight loss regimen. Unlike potentially dangerous and illegal internet hCG, Diet Doc manufactures their prescription hormone diet treatments in fully licensed, FDA approved pharmacies in the United States and makes it available to qualified patients by prescription only.

With the obesity epidemic and weight related diseases and conditions on the rise in America, more and more people are paying attention to the negative effects that carrying excess fat can have on their life. Many who are desperate to lose weight will turn to internet gimmicks and untested, unsafe diet products advertised by companies outside of the U.S. and many others simply turn to the nation's most reliable and trusted leader in medical weight loss – Diet Doc.

hCG is a natural hormone stimulated by the body during pregnancy. The hCG diet originated in the 1950s, and because of its unique ability to generate fast weight loss, many fraudulent, illegal internet companies, whose interest lies more in making money than helping desperate and hopeful dieters lose weight, have altered and compounded the hormone with unknown, and potentially dangerous, ingredients. Many times, illegal internet hCG has been compounded so radically that not one morsel of the hCG hormone is present in the product delivered to thousands of internet clients nationwide.

Because of the power of the internet and its ability to advertise diet products and services that may prove to be inefficient, ineffective and sometimes, even fatal, potential dieters must use caution when choosing the best diet for their needs. For this reason, Diet Doc developed their diet plans that are specific to each patient's age, gender, lifestyle, medical conditions and nutritional requirements. They include powerful prescription diet products that work safely to curb the appetite, control between meal hunger and eliminate fatigue while burning fat from the hard to reach places at an amazing pace. Their products have been tested and designed to work flawlessly with meal and snack plans that are crafted by certified nutritionists to target stored fat and force its release into the bloodstream to be quickly flushed from the system.

The staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches at Diet Doc work closely and supervise each patient's, often life changing, weight loss journey. They are available on an unlimited basis to their patients and always eager to answer questions, address concerns and offer suggestions and support. Scheduled weekly checkup calls to each patient enable the staff to monitor weight loss progress, as well as to quickly identify weight loss plateaus, allowing the doctor to modify the diet plan, quickly reset the metabolism and return the body to fast fat burn mode.

Diet Doc designs diet plans and safe, prescription diet products for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. They have become a nationally recognized, trusted and reliable leader in the medical weight loss industry and urge those who want to lose weight safely, quickly and comfortably to call today to schedule a private, no-cost consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

Diet Doc Contact Information:

Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DietDocMedical
Facebook: https://www.facebook/DietDocMedicalWeightLoss?ref=hl
