Media Advisory: Ontario Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care Indira Naidoo-Harris Expected to Attend Reception on Melanoma in Canada

The Save Your Skin Foundation Thanks Ontario Government Leaders for Ongoing Collaborative Efforts to Put Patient's First

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Feb. 18, 2016) - The Save Your Skin Foundation thanks Ontario Health Minister Dr. Eric Hoskins and the Ontario Government for putting patients first. The Save Your Skin Foundation will hold a reception this week, where they will meet with PA Naidoo-Harris and other Ontario government leaders to discuss the current landscape of melanoma in Canada, and what this means for Ontario patients.

In 2016, Save Your Skin Foundation is raising awareness, improving patient care and expanding education about skin cancer (melanoma and carcinoma) through three key initiatives:

  1. Conversations with Government: Throughout the year, SYSF will hold meetings with provincial government leaders to discuss provincially consistent healthcare and the importance of equal timely access to new treatments for all patients
  2. Spotlight on Skin Cancer Webinar Series: The new 2016 series of medical and patient webinars are aimed at addressing key issues and questions in the area of skin cancer from both the patient and medical perspective. More information and registration details can be found here:
  3. Multidisciplinary Roundtable Meetings: SYSF is committed to bringing patients, doctors, healthcare professionals and industry together to identify gaps in cancer healthcare and to collaboratively find solutions

For further information, please visit

About Skin Cancer in Canada

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in Canada, with over 80,000 cases expected to be diagnosed this year alone, more than 5,000 of which are melanomas, the deadliest form of skin cancer.

In its late stages, the average life expectancy for melanoma is just six months, with a one-year survival rate of only 25 percent, making metastatic melanoma one of the most aggressive forms of cancer and one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer.

About the Save Your Skin Foundation

The Save Your Skin Foundation is a national not-for profit organization dedicated to the areas of skin cancer and skin disease with a focus on education and awareness, supporting research and ensuring equal and timely access to treatment for all Canadians. Please visit for more information.

Available for interview:

Patient, Oncologist and Government Perspectives, Interviews and Quotes available upon request.

French spokesperson also available for French media.

Contact Information:

For Press Inquiries and Interview Requests, Please Contact:
Karran Finlay, Save Your Skin Foundation