Audited Annual Report 2015 of AS LHV Group

The management board of AS LHV Group sent the 2015 audited annual report of AS LHV Group to the Supervisory Board for approval. The financial results remained unchanged compared to the preliminary disclosure published on 9 February 2016.

The net profit of LHV Group amounted to EUR 14.8 million in 2015. This constitutes a EUR 5.1 million increase from last year. The bank contributed EUR 9.9 million, asset management EUR 4.7 million and the Lithuanian business unit EUR 1.1 million.

The net income of LHV Group in 2015 was EUR 38.3 million with EUR 33.6 million in the previous year. The net interest income grew by 41% and net fees by 17%, year-over year. Gains from financial assets receded 14% compared with 2014.

The management board of LHV Group proposed to the General Meeting of Shareholders to distribute the profit of the financial year so that EUR 0.7 million would be transferred to statutory reserve capital and the profit for reporting period attributable to shareholders of the parent in the amount of EUR 13 million would be retained.

AS LHV Group Consolitated Annual Report 2015 is attached to this announcement and will be made available on LHV homepage

         Priit Rum
         Communication Manager
         Telephone: +372 502 0786


AS LHV Group Consolidated Annual Report 2015.pdf