Exclusive preview of a unique burial coffin at the annual meeting of the Swedish funeral association

This weekend 300 Swedish funeral undertakers gathered in Ronneby, Sweden for
their annual meeting. At the meeting many suppliers attended to showcase their
latest products including OrganoClick’s partners Rydéns and Fredahl (Nyarp). The
biggest attraction was by far the booth of Fredahl and Rydéns which at the far
end of the congress hall had built a calm forest glade showcasing, exclusively
for the funeral undertakers, a completely new burial coffin.

This new coffin was wrapped in so much secrecy that no press was allowed in,
Swedish TV, radio and journalist was left waiting outside.

- This is a unique "piece", unique in the whole world. It has taken twenty years
of research and six years of collaboration and development with our partners
Rydéns and Fredahl to develop the unique characteristics of the new coffin, says
Mårten Hellberg, CEO of OrganoClick AB.

The latest trends within the coffin industry has been new design, colors and
decorations, but not for a very long time has there been a totally new type of
coffin with unique material properties and production technology as for this

Within short the new coffin will go public and will be on the market for sales
through Rydéns & Fredahls, the largest coffin producers in the Nordic region.

For more information, please contact: Mårten Hellberg, CEO

Phone: +46 (0)8 684 001 10[image]+46 (0)8 684 001 10[image]

Email: marten.hellberg@organoclick.com

About OrganoClick

OrganoClick AB (publ) is a Swedish cleantech company listed on Nasdaq First
North that develops, produces and markets functional materials based on
environmentally friendly fiber chemistry. Examples of products that are marketed
by OrganoClick are the water repellent fabric treatment OrganoTex®, the flame
and rot timber protectant OrganoWood® (through the subsidiary company OrganoWood
AB) and biobased binders for non-woven materials. OrganoClick was founded in
2006 as a commercial spinoff company based on academic research examining the
modification of biofibers performed at Stockholm University and the Swedish
University of Agricultural Sciences. OrganoClick has won several prizes and has
been designated “Sweden's most promising start-up company”, Sweden's best
environmental innovation and has appeared on the Affärsvärldens och NyTekniks
top 33 list of “Sweden's hottest technology companies”. The company has also
received a number of awards, such as The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF)
“Climate Solver” award. OrganoClick’s headquarters are in Täby, north of
Stockholm, where the company's production, R&D, sales and marketing departments
are located. OrganoClick's Certified Adviser on Nasdaq First North is Erik
Penser Bank.

