Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers Diet Plans Deliver Safe and Quick Weight Loss Without Sugar and Carbohydrate Cravings

Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers diet plans are specifically designed to help patients stick to their weight loss goals without being tempted by sugar or carbohydrate cravings

LOS ANGELES, May 2, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- People across the country struggle with weight management, trying time after time and diet after diet to improve their health and regain their figure by losing embarrassing and unhealthy excess fat. The problem is that most end up feeling frustrated, abandoning their weight loss goals because of their love and addiction to high calorie, unhealthy, sugary snacks and carbohydrates. Diet Doc understands and, for this reason, the company developed their Sugar Cravers diet plans, part of a new collection of scientifically and nutritionally designed diet plans that target specific situations.

In just four easy steps, people nationwide, many who have given up on ever regaining their health and restoring their figure, have safely, successfully and comfortably reached their ideal weight and are looking and feeling better than ever before. In fact, over 97% of Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers Diet Plan patients report losing 20 or more pounds per month without feeling tired and sluggish, feelings so often accompanied by sugar consumption, without between meal hunger and without cravings for their beloved sugary snacks. They are literally watching pounds melt from the belly, hips, thighs, underarms and buttocks safely, quickly and comfortably.

Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers Diet replaces high carbohydrate, sugary foods with healthy, appealing meal plans, all designed to be specific to each patient's age, gender, activity level, medical conditions and nutritional needs. Prescription hormone treatments and proprietary supplements that suppress the appetite and reduce and, even eliminate, sugar cravings help patients over the initial weight loss hurdles by controlling hunger and cravings. This powerful combination naturally mobilizes stored body fat, forcing it from its hiding places in the most difficult to reach areas, quickly flushing fat from the system and enabling patients to safely and rapidly lose excess weight without side effects.

Simply reducing carbohydrates and sugar from the diet will generate initial weight loss for most patients. However, typical diet plans are not geared to help patients overcome weight loss plateaus. As the body adjusts to the new diet, weight loss will stall. Most dieters become frustrated and discouraged and many simply give up on their weight loss goals. Because Diet Doc is a medical weight loss program, they know how to prevent weight loss plateaus and they know how to reset the metabolism and place the body back into fast fat burn mode. And, because they monitor each patient's progress throughout, they are quickly alerted if weight loss tapers. This personal attention enables the doctors to quickly modify the Sugar Cravers Diet Plan and quickly reset the metabolism.

Dieters throughout the country, who have struggled to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those whose goal was to lose 100 pounds or more, have turned to Diet Doc for safe and quick weight loss. The company is a leader in the medical weight loss industry and has earned the trust of people nationwide. They know that it is never too late to improve health and they urge those of all shapes, sizes, ages and genders to call to schedule a personal, confidential and no-cost consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451
Facebook: https://www.facebook/DietDocMedicalWeightLoss?ref=hl