Cloudiway launches its scenario picker on new responsive website

In the ever-changing world of cloud technology, Cloudiway is again leading the way with a new, innovative website. An interactive scenario picker provides a fast and flexible interface for visitors to use. Pick a source and target for migration and the website will deliver details of what can be migrated, as well as how.

Visitors to now have a massive resource of information at their fingertips, accessible and easy to navigate from any device. The new content complements the leading-edge technology behind the website, enhancing the user experience and making key information much easier to find.

As a result, Cloudiway's unparalleled migration suite and enterprise coexistence platform are back in the limelight. Cloudiway is the only business to offer fully functional, SaaS-based solutions for enterprise coexistence, Google Groups to Office 365 Groups migration and Google Sites to SharePoint migration. The new website promotes these exclusive solutions in the manner they deserve, alongside the extensive suite of migration solutions that Cloudiway supports.

Melanie Douglas, Cloudiway Marketing Manager says: "Our new, bold website reflects the high level of quality we strive to exceed daily. The strong growth in our activities in France and abroad, particularly in the United States, motivated us to evolve our digital strategy so that it showcases our expertise while delivering what our clients need."
In the past, Cloudiway has been modest about its unique and inventive solutions. The new website signals a new era of market leadership for Cloudiway, who continue to grow from strength to strength.