San Joaquin, California, May 31, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) updated on May 31 a previously released solicitation notice in which it outlined plans to bring on a small business contractor for a locker room extension and fire door replacement project at the Defense Distribution Depot in San Joaquin, California.
The contractor who receives the award must furnish all labor, material, transportation, supplies, and supervision necessary for the expansion of the existing Locker Room 193 and the replacement of two fire doors in the Public Safety Center, Building 235.
The DLA further defined the scope of the project as follows:
- Construct a 3'x7' clear wall opening in Locker Room 193 per A-102
- Move lockers in Room 193 during construction as required
- Remove and reset tables, refrigerator, and cabinets from existing Room 1923
- Remove existing hardware from Door 192
- Replace new hardware to open from the inside and lock from the
- Replace one light fixture to contain batter backup, per plans
- Remove and replace two fire doors, frames, and hardware at the Apparatus Bay
- Install new LENEL card reader system
- Provide new low-voltage circuit to new LENEL card reader, request to exit with motion detector, and magnetic contact switch
- Provide new metal conduit, painted
- Install lever type door hardware, best lock compatible, and electrified to connect with LENEL card reader
The DLA expects the contractor who receives the contract to complete all work within 60 calendar days of receiving the contract.
The NAICS Code for this procurement is 236220, the small business size standard is $36,500,000, and the DLA anticipates the contract to be valued at between $25,000 and $100,000.
Responses are due by no later than 3 p.m. EST on June 1, and interested contractors can direct questions to Acquisition Specialist Michael Minto at
The contractor who receives this contract also must be registered with the System for Award Management (SAM) database and have as part of the Registration all current Representations and Certifications.
US Federal Contractor Registration, the world’s largest third-party government registration firm, completes the required Registrations on behalf of its clients. It also makes available information about opportunities like this, as well as training on how to locate, research, and respond to opportunities.
We also make available for our clients and for contracting officers our proprietary Advanced Federal Procurement Data Search (AFPDS). Our Advanced Federal Procurement Data Search (AFPDS) gives you in one place instant bid notifications, bid proposal prospecting, and information about government procurement officers. We make this search tool available to clients, as part of our commitment to helping each and every USFCR client succeed and thrive as a government contractor.
For contracting officers, the AFPDS gives them in one place access to a database of available contractors and also a place to post information about opportunities. Contracting officers get free access to AFPDS. We also provide interested contracting officers a list of contractors who may be able to provide a service and/or product that they need.
For more information, to get started with a SAM registration, to learn more about how US Federal Contractor Registration can help your business succeed, to find out how we can help you complete the processes necessary to become certified as one or more types of small business(es), and/or to speak with our federal training specialists about how to craft a memorable proposal, call 877-252-2700, ext. 1.