Media Advisory: Ontario Health Coalition Response to Ontario Budget

TORONTO, March 28, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Natalie Mehra, Executive Director of the Ontario Health Coalition, will be available for comment on the Ontario Budget at Queen’s Park today, March 28th after 4:00 p.m.

Contact: Natalie Mehra, Executive Director, 416-230-6402 (cellular)
 Dana Boettger, OHC Communications, 416-441-2502

The Ontario Health Coalition and local coalitions throughout Ontario are working on fighting hospital cuts, protecting public health care for all, against privatization and 2-tier user fees for patients, improving home care and long-term care, stopping the privatization of primary care, improving quality and reducing wait times, protecting democratic decision-making and public access to information about our health care institutions and system.

Local coalitions and organizations that are also available for comment on the Ontario Budget:

Kingsley Kwok, Scarborough Health Coalition (English and Cantonese) 416-835-3377
Cam Jay, Spokesperson, Kingston Health Coalition 613-328-2901
Roy Brady, Peterborough Health Coalition and Council of Canadians705-745-2446
Peter Bergmanis, London Health Coalition519-860-4403
Bryan Smith, Oxford Coalition for Social Justice 226-228-8309
Derrell R. Dular, Managing Director, Older Canadians Network and Alliance of Seniors416-260-3429
Shirley Roebuck, Sarnia Lambton Health Coalition   226-402-2724
Jules Tupker, Thunder Bay Health Coalition   807-627-6249
Charlie Courneyea, Durham Health Coalition   416-557-5935
Janina Lebon, Hamilton Health Coalition 905-545-5514
Magee McGuire, Guelph Health Coalition519-767-0084
Treena Hollingworth, Stratford and Area Concerned Citizens647-537-4357