IT – Vasby Co-Location power maintenance – REMINDER

This is a reminder of the previously communicated co-location power maintenance in Vasby data center: IT – Vasby Co-Location power maintenance

As part of Nasdaq’s ongoing maintenance program with DigiPlex, Nasdaq and Digiplex are to conduct power maintenance spanning over two separate weekends. Nasdaq engineers will work to ensure minimum impact on customer operations during the maintenance. Clients are encouraged to ensure equipment is powered from both A and B receptacles and allowable power loads are not exceeded. If you have single powered equipment, please note that Nasdaq offers automatic transfer switches available for purchase and installation. Please contact Richard Gaudy for more information.


Service window 1 - maintenance on the B-power feed to the Co-Location area


  • Friday 30th March 08:00 a.m. – B-power feed will be shutdown
  • Monday 2nd April 12:00 noon – B-power feed will be restored


This work will require to shut down the B-power feed servicing the Co-Location area between Friday the 30th of March at 08:00 a.m. and Monday the 2nd of April 12 noon. All markets are closed Monday and Friday.  The A-power feed will remain available during this work.



Service window 2 - maintenance on the A-power feed to the Co-Location area

  • Saturday the 7th of April at 08:00 a.m. – A- power feed will be shutdown
  • Saturday the 7th of April at 12:00 noon - A- power feed will be restored


This work will require to shut down the A-power feed servicing the Co-Location area from Saturday the 7th of April at 08:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. The B-power feed will remain available during this work.


In order for Nasdaq to provide the best possible support during the service windows please let us know if you have any IT equipment installed with one power supply only. Power audit of your equipment can be done by remote hands in advance if necessary. Please contact is available to provide up-to-date status information or additional details, should you have any questions during the maintenance. Please reference INC000001725202

Onsite Support

  • Friday 30th March 08:00 – 18:00 Nasdaq Data Center Operations will be onsite.
  • Monday 2nd April 08:00 – 18:00 Nasdaq Data Center Operations will be onsite.
  • Saturday the 7th of April at 08:00 – 18:00 Nasdaq Data Center Operations will be onsite.

Best regards, 


Nasdaq Global Co-Location Connectivity



IT - Power maintenance Vasby REMINDER.pdf