Annual general meeting on Tuesday, 10 April 2018

The general meeting adopted the report on the company's activities in the past financial year. The report contained the information already communicated to Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S in the company's electronic annual report 2017 on 28 February 2018.

The annual report 2017 was approved by the general meeting.

The general meeting adopted the proposal from the board of directors to transfer the result for the financial year 2017 to 2018.

Anders Christen Obel, Niels Rauff Hansen, Anders Bundgaard, Jens Jørgen Nielsen, Erling Bech Poulsen and Helle Okholm were re-elected to the board of directors. Jens Blach did not run for another term. Asger Pedersen was re-elected as alternate to the board of directors.

The Goodvalley Remuneration Policy was approved by the general meeting.

The annual general meeting approved the remuneration to the board of directors for 2018 with DKK 600,000 to the chairman, DKK 400,000 to the deputy chairman and DKK 200,000 for other members of the board. Remuneration for the chairman of the Audit Committee is DKK 160,000 and members of the Audit Committee receive DKK 80,000. The remuneration for the chairmen of the Remuneration Committee and the Nomination Committee is DKK 100,000 and members of the two committees receive DKK 50,000 in 2018.

Deloitte Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab was re-elected as the auditor of the company.

The board of directors was authorized to let the company acquire up to 10% of Goodvalley’s own shares for a price of no less than DKK 2,0 per share and no more than DKK 200,00 per share.

The annual general meeting authorized the chairman of the meeting with a full right of substitution to file resolutions passed at the general meeting for registration with the Danish Business Authority.

At a subsequent initial meeting of the board of directors, Anders Christen Obel was appointed chairman and Niels Rauff Hansen was appointed deputy chairman.

Goodvalley A/S

Anders Christen Obel                                                

Chairman of the Board                                        



Course of Annual General Meeting 2018