Guess Chain Fuels the 2018 World Cup Carnival

HANGZHOU, China, June 10, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 2018 FIFA World Cup will kick off on June 14, which means the annual carnival days for football fans will come again. During the World Cup, it is essential to pay attention to the performance of our favorite teams. However, as there is a game, there must be a win or a loss, so lots of football fans look forward to satisfying their cravings of guess through this event. In the past, if the fans wanted to participate in a guess, they had to search for a trustworthy guess platform on the Internet or through recommendation by a friend. Nevertheless, the fans still take inherent risks of centralization platform, or have to bear high fees and commissions from it. These problems may be solved by combining guess with blockchain technology, which will make fans enjoy the guess fun more freely.

Among a wide range of blockchain projects, there is one named Guess Chain that can solve these problems. The token of this project, named GUS, has already been launched on the CoinTiger trading platform, and Guess App has been formally launched in May, with the weekly number of users exceeding 50,000 now.

According to the official white paper, the Guess Chain is a full open-sourcing, distributed and public chain with guess forecast in the board and card games market, and the third generation of underlying blockchain system developed based on the inheritance of features and advantages of Bitcoin and Ethereum. Guess Chain makes the guess of users open and transparent by blockchain technology and the forecast results of Guess Chain are judged by the smart Oracle. GUS is the token used in the community of Guess Chain, which can be used by users for betting on match prediction. In the meanwhile, Guess Chain will also launch the electronic wallet for storing the rewards of guessing.

In the current Guess Chain App, competition guess function of World Cup has been added. Users can use Guess Coin GUS to guess the competition, and they will obtain corresponding GUS awards according to results of competition. After the competition, automatic settlement will be carried out through smart contracts, allowing users to enjoy the fun of guess without worry.

Besides, the Guess Chain is also intended to apply blockchain technology to chess and card games. Guess Chain will develop a public chain in the future, which can connect the traditional board and card games into Guess Chain and operate the game by the Guess Chain smart contract based on the cryptocurrency protocol. It can introduce the cryptocurrency GUS Coin of Guess Chain, or issue tokens belonging to the project based on Guess Chain. As a result, it can be seen that Guess Chain also aims to bring more convenience and fairness to people's daily entertainment life through blockchain technology.

As the World Cup is approaching day by day, the expectations of fans are growing stronger. We believe that football fans will have much more fun with Guess Chain App this year

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