Attorney has Words of Caution to Motorcycle Tourists Visiting Arizona

Tucson, AZ, attorney Thabet Khalidi offered some safety advice to the many motorcycle tourists who visit Arizona throughout the year.

Tucson, AZ, Oct. 03, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- TUCSON, AZ. – With one of the highest populations of motorcyclists in the United States, motorcycle safety is always a concern in Arizona. In addition to this population, many tourists decide to go on motorcycle trips through the state. With its natural beauty and warm temperatures, Arizona is an appealing destination for these motorcycle tourists, and safety is a prime concern.

“It should go without saying that motorcyclists should keep their heads protected by wearing helmets at all times,” Tucson attorney Thabet Khalidi said. “Unfortunately, that doesn’t always happen. Arizona law doesn’t require most motorcyclists to wear a helmet, so some of them don’t, and some of them regret it later on.”

Helmets protect a motorcyclist’s head and neck, preventing serious injury to the most vulnerable areas of the body. Statistics show that states that require all motorcyclists to wear helmets have lower fatality rates than states that do not have such a law on the books. Data from 2013 in states that do not require all riders to wear a helmet found that 59 percent of motorcyclists killed were not wearing a helmet. In states that do require helmet use, that figure was only eight percent.

“Motorcyclists from out of state should also take care to protect their skin,” Thabet Khalidi said. “Many of them visit Arizona so they can enjoy the sun and the warm weather, but long hours out in the hot sun create the perfect conditions for sunburns. These tourists should know to either cover up or wear sunscreen if they want to avoid a nasty burn.”

Motorcyclists are most likely to be burned on the back of the hands and neck. Sunscreen can prevent these burns; motorcyclists can also consider using a bandana or some other material for the back of the neck. Gloves with mesh ventilation are recommended to prevent the hands from being burned through exposure to sunlight.

“A motorcycle can break down at any time,” Thabet Khalidi warned. “With the expanses of desert in the western part of the state, this can create a grave situation. Motorcyclists who are touring that area should be sure to keep an emergency kit and plenty of water on hand, in case they end up stranded.”

An emergency kit should include water, a first aid kit, and some protein bars (or other form of high-calorie food that doesn’t take up much space). In all likelihood, motorcyclists will never have an emergency far enough from civilization for a breakdown to be more than an inconvenience. However, it’s important to be prepared for the worst case, Khalidi said.

“Motorcycle tourists should understand their safety needs,” Khalidi added. “There’s no reason for a vacation to turn into a tragedy.”


About Thabet Khalidi:

Thabet Khalidi founded the Khalidi Law Firm in Tucson’s Barrio Viejo when he received his law degree in 1994. He has represented the people of Arizona in hundreds of cases of family law, personal injury, and negligence. For over 20 years he has sought to serve the best interests of the injured. You can learn more at his website:


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