Give the Gift of Equality this Holiday Season- What I Wish I Was Told Released

Educating Students on Diversity and Inclusion

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 12, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Author and educator Dr. Todd Gewant released What I Wish I Was Told, a creative, positive, and motivational book of poetry which centers around themes of diversity and inclusion.  From the book, curriculum has also been released presenting a fun and educational way for students to explore themes presented in the illustrated poetry.

“This book was created to re-educate our younger populations, and remind the older ones, about the important things in life, stated Author Todd Gewant. “What I Wish I Was Told teaches the importance of self-worth, respect and appreciation of diversity, the importance of gender and color equality, respect for our planet, and creative ways to learn and express feelings through analysis of poems and metaphorical illustrations.  What makes this book different from all the rest, is that with use of the curriculum specifically for the book, it has the reader analyzing both illustration and poems separately, while then creating their own poems, with or without included activities which teach life lessons and makes us all better people.  I wrote this book to take charge in creating a better present and future for this country and world around us.  And so it shall be!”

The book has received endorsements from the Dalai Lama with his office sending the following, “We hope you continue with your good works to practice love and kindness and promote them.”  Jane Elliott -Educator, Anti-Racism Activist, and LGBT activist, known for “Blue eyes-Brown eyes,” had this to say: “This is an attempt to lead people out of the ignorance of racism.”

This poetry and its accompanying curriculum is timely in our divisive nation riddled with intolerance and bigotry.  The curriculum is an effective 12 week course designed to allow students to learn about themselves and others by developing social emotional intelligence and critical thinking skill by understanding and writing about the subject matter in selected poems. Each lesson follows a specific poem and allows the student to think creatively, improve reading comprehension, understand the use of metaphor in literature and creates a platform for children to develop important qualities of self-esteem and an appreciation of diversity in all areas of life.

Dr Todd Gewant is available to lecture at schools to introduce the concepts laid forth through his poetry and the accompanying curriculum. For more information and to purchase the book for and/or curriculum for the holiday, please visit the What I Wish I Was Told site. Contact the author directly at for the curriculum and volume discounts for the book.

About The Author

Dr. Todd Gewant, Author/Educator has been writing poetry since age 13. Growing up on the border of New York City and New Jersey, Dr. Todd experienced various forms of direct discrimination, intolerance, and bullying during his childhood. He discovered that poetry was the most constructive and positive way to deal with these ugly youthful encounters. Dr. Todd found that in writing and publishing What I Wish I Was Told, he was able to communicate with kids and adults about these sensitive topics. Being invited to schools and social organizations to read from the book and share his understanding of the true values of diversity, Dr. Todd realized how poetry could be a powerful tool for learning. From his visits to schools, interacting with students, and consulting with teachers and principals, he was able to develop a core curriculum on these topics. Dr. Todd Gewant is also a chiropractor, and for the past 16 years has maintained offices in Santa Monica, Ca.

Contact: Colleen Toumayan


Phone: 818-800-8836