IT – INET Nordic – Regulatory suspensions related to double volume cap mechanism as of January 14, 2019 (01/19)

MiFID II double volume cap (DVC) imposes a cap on Nordic@Mid trading and in case of liquid Instrument the reporting of certain Manual Trades. The updated list of Nasdaq Nordic and Nasdaq Baltic Instruments impacted by DVC measures is attached to this IT Notice. Column ‘New/ Updated/ Expired’ indicates if the share has been added or if there is an update to the DVC status.

Note that DVC measures do not impact orders equal to or greater than LIS threshold sent to Nordic@Mid nor any Manual Trades where trade size is equal to or greater than LIS threshold. This kind of trading continues to be available despite of DVC measures in Instrument.


Measures related to the DVC mechanism are described in INET Nordic Market Model, available on


For technical questions, please contact Nasdaq Cash Equity Operations:

Tel: +46 8 405 6410

Best regards,

Nasdaq Nordic and Nasdaq Baltic

Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland, Nasdaq Riga, Nasdaq Stockholm, Nasdaq Tallinn and Nasdaq Vilnius are respectively brand names for Nasdaq Copenhagen A/S, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd, Nasdaq Iceland hf., Nasdaq Riga AS, Nasdaq Stockholm AB, Nasdaq Tallinn AS and AB Nasdaq Vilnius. Nasdaq Nordic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Copenhagen, Nasdaq Helsinki, Nasdaq Iceland and Nasdaq Stockholm. Nasdaq Baltic represents the common offering by Nasdaq Tallinn, Nasdaq Riga and Nasdaq Vilnius.


IT Notice - DVC actions 20190114.pdf Nasdaq DVC 20190114.xlsx