Students Ready to Vote in Big Numbers for Federal Candidates Who Prioritize Post-Secondary Education

OTTAWA, Sept. 11, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Federation of Students, which represents over 500,000 students across the country, has launched its Time to Be Bold campaign, aimed at getting post-secondary students and youth to head to the polls in big numbers this October and vote for candidates who prioritize students’ issues.

“Students and youth will be the biggest voting bloc this election and we are looking for bold solutions to fix our post-secondary education system,” said Sofia Descalzi, national chairperson of the Canadian Federation of Students. “This election, students are looking for candidates who will commit to eliminate tuition fees and student debt for all students, fight climate change, respect Indigenous learners’ right to post-secondary education, and provide fairness to international students.”

Youth voter turnout in the 2015 federal election was the highest since turnout estimates began in 2004, jumping to 57.1% from 38.8% in 2011. Thanks to a partnership with Elections Canada, which will see 115 advanced polling stations on campuses across Canada, up from 70 in 2015, the Canadian Federation of Students expects youth voter turnout will be even higher this election.

“Students have a lot of concerns when it comes to climate change and the affordability of post-secondary education and they want to see their issues reflected in federal parties’ platforms. We hope that the Time To Be Bold campaign, coupled with high youth voter turnout, will push federal parties to seriously address these issues,” said Descalzi. 

The Time To Be Bold campaign will run until election day on over 60 campuses across Canada. 

The Canadian Federation of Students is the oldest and largest national student organization in Canada, representing over 500,000 college, undergraduate, and graduate students across the country.

For more information or to schedule an interview, please contact Geneviève Charest at or 613-240-2631.