The global ketogenic diet market accounted to US$ 9,696.8 Mn in 2018 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.5% during the forecast period 2019 - 2027, to account to US$ 15,640.6 Mn by 2027

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low carb diet that has numerous health benefits such as weight reduction and lowering of blood pressure. Adoption of the ketogenic diet has proven to be beneficial for fighting against diseases such as cancer, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes.

New York, Oct. 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces the release of the report "Ketogenic Diet Market to 2027 - Global Analysis and Forecasts By Product Type ; Distribution Channel ; and Geography" -
The ketogenic diet involves the replacement of carbohydrates intake by fats, and this results in getting the body in a metabolic state known as ketosis. The rising awareness among the consumers related to the ketogenic diet in developed and developing countries such as US, Canada, Germany, China, and India among others coupled with the major role played by ketogenic diet in preventing epilepsy and status epilepticus in children and adults are the key factors boosting the growth of ketogenic diet market globally. However, the harmful health effects of the ketogenic diet are projected to hamper the ketogenic diet market growth over the forecast period. Moreover, new product launches by the key player in the market is expected to deliver substantial growth opportunities to the ketogenic diet market players in the coming future.

The global ketogenic diet market is bifurcated on the basis of product type into supplements, beverages, snacks, dairy, and other product types.The snacks segment accounted for the largest share in the global ketogenic diet market.

The availability of a wide range of healthy snacks such as ceaser salads, caprese-salad, salmon-salad, and avocado-egg salad has bolstered the demand for ketogenic diet snacks in the ketogenic diet market.Other snacks such as avocado and olives are also a healthy snack option for the consumers opting for a ketogenic diet.

The food and beverages manufacturers have recognized the growing inclination of consumers towards the ketogenic diet that has led to the launch of new snacks products which are calorie-free and low on carbs.Other snacks option are also available in the market, such as peanut butter and high-fat cheese.

Therefore, the availability of a wide range of snacks option in the market contributed to the growth of snacks segment in the global ketogenic diet market.

The health benefits associated with the ketogenic diet are attracting consumers towards adopting the ketogenic diet.The ketogenic diet pays a key role in managing obesity and weight.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is also referred to as good cholesterol.Recently scientists have been implementing dietary interventions like ketogenic dieting for increasing the HDL cholesterol that would be helpful in preventing the onset of cardiovascular diseases.

The ketogenic diet is helpful in lowering blood pressure and helps in reducing the risk of diseases like kidney failure, heart diseases, and strokes.Another syndrome that is highly associated with heart diseases and diabetes is metabolic syndrome.

High triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol levels, elevated blood sugar are symptoms associated with metabolic syndrome that can be treated by the adoption of ketogenic diets which further provides a huge developing opportunity for the ketogenic diet market.
The ketogenic diet is helpful for diabetic patients as it helps in reducing insulin levels and blood sugars.The ketogenic diet is also helpful in weight reduction to approximately two times as compared to the diet on a calorie-restricted low-fat diet.

A ketogenic diet leads to a natural reduction in appetite that proves to be beneficial to the consumers trying to lose weight.The visceral fat that is accumulated in the abdominal cavity is the most common among overweight people.

The excess visceral fat is associated with insulin resistance and inflammation that may also be responsible for the metabolic dysfunction.The low carb ketogenic diet is very beneficial and effective in reducing this visceral fat.

Therefore, the nutritional and health benefits associated with the ketogenic diet is the key factor leading to the growth and expansion of the ketogenic diet globally.

Some of the players present in global ketogenic diet market are Ample Foods, Ancient Nutrition, Danone S.A, Keto And Company, Know Brainer Foods, Love Good Fats, Nestle S.A, Perfect Keto, Pruvit Ventures, Inc, and Zenwise Health among others.

The overall global ketogenic diet market size has been derived using both primary and secondary source.The research process begins with exhaustive secondary research using internal and external sources to obtain qualitative and quantitative information related to the ketogenic diet market.

Also, multiple primary interviews were conducted with industry participants and commentators in order to validate data and analysis. The participants who typically take part in such a process include industry expert such as VPs, business development managers, market intelligence managers, and national sales managers, and external consultants such as valuation experts, research analysts, and key opinion leaders specializing in the ketogenic diet market.
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