DCPSC Approves Grid Modernization Recommendations

Washington, DC, Jan. 29, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia (Commission) issued the first of a series of Orders in its grid modernization proceeding, Power Path DC, formerly known as MEDSIS (Formal Case No. 1130, Order No. 20286).  

The goal of Power Path DC is to ensure that the District’s energy delivery system remains safe, reliable, and affordable while also becoming more sustainable, resilient, and secure. Power Path DC is also linked to the District’s energy and climate action policies as articulated in the District’s clean energy, climate and sustainability plans.

This Order approved several recommendations from the Power Path DC stakeholder process, including:

  • Adopting a new Distribution System Planning Process that allows for a more open and transparent stakeholder engagement; 
  • Establishing a Secure Portal for Data Sharing;
  • Launching the establishment of the Power Path DC Pilot Projects Governance Board;
  • Approving a new Retail Choice website that will provide a central clearinghouse for information about third-party energy suppliers to consumers in the District;
  • Reconvening the rate design working group and creating a time of use rate design proposal;
  • Establishing a microgrid proceeding to inform our further decision-making about the development of the energy distribution systems in the District; and
  • Issuing of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking for Non-wires Alternative and Advanced Inverter definitions.

 The Commission extends its thanks to the 240 participants in the Power Path DC stakeholder process that contributed to the adoption of the aforementioned recommendations.

 Chairman Willie L. Phillips said, “This initial Order outlines the critical next steps to achieve the Power Path DC vision. Our strategic vision includes customer-focused distribution system planning, clean and renewable energy supply, microgrids, innovative rate design, and grid modernization pilot projects.”

 To learn more about Power Path DC Order, Formal Case No. 1130, visit the dcpsc.org.


The Public Service Commission of the District of Columbia is an independent agency established by Congress in 1913 to regulate electric, natural gas, and telecommunications companies in the District of Columbia.



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