Local Chiropractor Opens for Business in the Wake of COVID-19

MIAMI, June 19, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The pandemic has affected everyone. From the largest corporations to single individuals. Many businesses have had to close their doors as a direct result of COVID-19, including businesses that are needed now more than ever, like private practice health care. Now that the country is beginning to re-open, so too are many of these businesses. Northern Miami chiropractic clinic, Keystone Wellness Center, announces today that they will be opening their doors to new and old patients alike. 

"It's time," says Dr. Ryan Fisher of Keystone Wellness Center. "The needs of my patients didn't just disappear when coronavirus swept in. Social distancing is important and we're going to take every precaution to protect the health of our patients when they visit our office, but we can't just all stay home forever. After months of sitting around the house, I know people are going to need my help now, too."

Keystone Wellness Center has been in practice for over 20 years. During this time, Dr. Fisher and his team have provided compassionate chiropractic care for those in and around Miami. Since day one, Keystone Wellness Center has held true to their mission statement:

Helping as many people as possible achieve a higher state of health and well-being through natural, safe treatment and advanced breakthrough technology.

While the presence of COVID-19 is still a widespread concern, the responsible reopening of the country is something that will have to happen sooner or later. How successful the reopening will be will depend on responsible steps taken by individuals and businesses.

Those interested in learning more about Keystone Wellness Center can find out more about them online or over the phone at (305) 893-8822.

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