Tetra Defense builds Rapid Responder program to further help businesses respond to cyberattacks

When onsite incident response resources are necessary, the nationwide network of skilled IT providers are equipped and ready to respond.

Madison, Wisconsin, July 06, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tetra Defense, the Madison-based cyber incident response and proactive cybersecurity consulting firm, announces its launch of the Rapid Responder program. Designed to serve as a nationwide extension of the Tetra Defense incident response team, the Rapid Responder program is a network of skilled IT providers equipped and ready to respond to cyber incidents when onsite or additional remote services are needed.

“No two cyberattacks and the subsequent response efforts are identical. The size of the victim organization, their industry, the configuration of their systems and services – all of these factors impact how and what’s needed to respond,” remarks Nathan Little, Vice President of Digital Forensics and Incident Response. “While nearly all of the incidents we respond to are most efficiently handled remotely, when we encounter an incident that would benefit from immediate skilled attention onsite, our Rapid Responders are ready to assist.”

The Rapid Responder program enables Tetra Defense to dispatch onsite technical resources when necessary. Similarly, Rapid Responders can engage remotely to expand the bandwidth and capabilities of internal IT teams. Under the direction of the Tetra Defense incident response team, Rapid Responders assist with a variety of tasks related to operational restoration such as data decryption, backup restoration, and license provisioning to get businesses back up and running as quickly as possible.

"We hear the expression ‘time is money’ all the time. That phrase especially rings true when responding to cyber incidents. The more downtime, the higher the expense,” said Scott Holewinski, CEO at Tetra Defense. “By leveraging our remote incident response practices, and now, our network of Rapid Responders, we can quickly devote resources to focus on restoration while Tetra’s digital forensics and incident response team tackles their investigation and remediation.”

Tetra Defense is accepting applications to the Rapid Responder program on an ongoing basis. Applicants are interviewed and vetted by the Tetra Defense incident response team prior to being accepted into the program. To learn more and apply, visit www.tetradefense.com/rapid-responder-program.

About Tetra Defense

Tetra Defense is an incident response, cyber risk management, and digital forensics firm helping clients recover and restore from incidents like ransomware, business email compromise and wire transfer fraud. Services range from in-depth forensics investigations of intellectual property theft to the assessment and development of corporate information security programs. Based in Madison, Wisconsin, the top-priority objectives for the Tetra Defense team are to help organizations get back on their feet after an incident and guide them through the process of building a more secure environment to lessen the risk of incidents in the first place. Tetra frequently works with insurance carriers and some of the nation’s largest and most respected privacy law firms to navigate cyber liability insurance claims and works directly with businesses large and small to reduce their cyber risk.


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