Michael Holston Stresses New Animal Education

Miami, Florida, Sept. 22, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Educational videos, regardless of topic, have always been pretty dull in the past. It is tough to get people to feel fully engaged without exciting content. These videos tend to fail at inspiring a new generation to learn about a topic. Animals can be some of the most interesting topics in the world, but only if they are covered the right way.

Michael Holston, a man many people know online as The Real Tarzann, is looking to do just that. His journey, as well as his way of providing educational information, is unconventional, but he is gaining a massive following along the way. He now has focused his platform on inspiring a new generation and educating in a way that might work in the long term.

Hands-on learning

It all started with Michael Holston as a kid with a passion for animals. He took what few opportunities came his way to volunteer his time and work with different organizations to get his foot in the door. Whether it is working with domesticated animals or some of the deadliest in the world, Holston put together videos that can capture the attention of millions. However, dig deeper beyond the shock value and viral shots, and Holston is providing interesting animal education for all ages.

While videos and photographs are not going to replace true education, it can inspire those who have the same passion to go to the next step. It is a major reason why Holston is now using his platform to educate and inspire. He also is hoping to raise money for non-profit organizations and schools in need of help.

Formal animal education

Certain topics are underfunded around the globe, with animal education being one of them. Holston is working to build schools to provide better animal education so that more people can be comfortable around animals. With such a broad audience, he knows that plenty of people have this desire to be smarter, and a smarter world around animals can help preserve living spaces for them as well. It’s a win-win situation for all, which is why he is so passionate about building schools in different locations around the world.

This also means finding the right teachers for those schools, and hiring locally makes the most sense. These are the people who know animals around the area better than anyone, and they can share that same type of passion to drive others every single day.

Non-profit organizations

From education to fighting against animal abuse, there are numerous non-profit organizations that Michael Holston directly worked with. He believes that many of these organizations have great ideas, but the funding is not there to make the change they would like. There is still a lot of animal abuse going on in different parts of the world, and Holston is hoping that with his reach, he can make an impact on changing things little by little.

A lot of the non-profits Michael Holston works with started with a visit in person. After getting a better idea of the grassroots campaign, he became invested in helping them turn the corner and get to a new level. Even if just a fraction of his followers take the time to research and invest what they are about, it is a considerable change.

Local cleanups

Holston calls south Florida home, and that part of the world is also home to many unique types of wildlife. What seems like a pretty basic concept is something a lot of people overlook so often. Part of proper animal education is just knowing how to make a positive impact around a local setting. Cleaning up the environment and doing little things to make a positive impact can start to add up if all of Holston‘s followers pitch in.

Cleaning up benefits humans as well, and it seems like a true no-brainer for many. Now that he has kickstarted a few local cleanups in South Florida, he is hoping to expand to other parts of the world as well.


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