Meet Daven: A Family Man, A Devoted Sports Consultant, And a Selfless Individual Who’s Giving Thousands Of Dollars Worth Of Value To His Clients

Las vegas, United States, Oct. 12, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Millions of people love watching sports. 

The competition, the ebbs and flows, the cheering, and above all the camaraderie built amongst a group watching a game together. Now imagine if you could watch your favorite sport and make a living doing it. Imagine you could win money because your favorite sports team won a game. This isn’t just a fantasy, in fact it’s possible and you can do it too! Meet Daven Cuban, a family man, a devoted sports consultant, and selfless individual who turned his talent and passion for sports into a career that helps turn sports fans into investors. 

Stay tuned, Nvule Studios, will cover Daven, a successful sports consultant based in Las Vegas, to give you the information you need to start finding the best value in sports. 

Meet Daven Cuban: 

Daven Cuban is originally born and raised in Oahu, Hawaii. In Oahu, Cuban always found himself involved in sports, especially at a young age. His participation in various sports led Cuban to find his talent. At the age of 12 he was helping his friends and family find the best value in sports, so they could make money from his knowledge. After a few years of helping friends and family an epiphany occurred to him: turn this talent into a business. So at the age of 17 Cuban left Oahu and headed for Las Vegas and has never looked back since. 

“Many people are good at a lot of things, but they don’t enjoy it. For me, sports consultancy is a passion of mine and I genuinely enjoy it.” 

Cuban remarked when asked why he engages in sports consulting 

“I want my clients to gain financial freedom or help them cover bills and other expenses. However, I do not want to encourage bad habits -- I always promote proper risk management and that’s how I’ve successfully allowed my business to produce for me.” 

How Cuban Picks His Bets:

Since Cuban has been involved with sports at a young age, he has developed an eye for spotting value in sports. Cuban spends time watching each sporting event, so he can see and find minute details that others cannot see if they are just analyzing numbers. 

“You can look at all the stats and numbers but unless you watch the games you don’t know anything.” Cuban said with conviction. “Sports consulting isn’t about picking a single pick; it’s about a winning percentage -- in layman’s terms, winning more than losing.”

The Defining Moment:

Cuban recalls his defining moment to be a paradox. A few years ago, Cuban was down to his last $1500 in his account and made over $30,000 in 12 days. These results were shocking and he received an email stating that his bets would no longer be received because of “winning too much too fast.” As a result, Cuban went to the popular Las Vegas sports book, placed a bet, and recorded everything. You can see the full video on his Instagram

After Cuban recorded and published the video to his social media -- it went viral and in the following months he received over $20,000 in new customer subscriptions. A blessing in disguise. 


“I want my business to be a common name and to be someone who’s looked at as successful in providing results.” Cuban remarked, “There’s nothing better than knowing I’m as honest and transparent as possible and I have the ability and talent to help families financially. That’s really all I want to do -- bring ease to families as I too am a family man. When my clients subscribe to me, I’m not looking to buy luxury items or fancy things. I’m doing it to provide for my family. When we win and when we lose, we do it together. I want that to be my brand.” 

To get started with Cuban, direct message him on Instagram and reference this article for an added discount. 

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Company Name - Nvule Studios
Contact Name - Daven Cuban
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Daven Cuban