Author Simplifies the Spelling of the English Language in New Book

In ‘Inglish Maed Simpəl’ Chris Marquis has devised a foolproof method of writing English exactly as it sounds!

VANCOUVER, Dec. 02, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For hundreds of years now, there has been a desire to sort out the spelling of the English language. Ever since William Caxton brought the printing press to London in 1476, spelling was poorly served by bad translations, foreign ideas and typesetters paid by the line.

The title, “Inglish Maed Simpəl”, and its comparatively radical spelling, tells a lot. The subtitle tells the rest of the story: “English Should be Written as it Sounds and Sound as it is Written!” Marquis takes this mission quite seriously. He is not kidding! He points out that there is no perfect person to introduce the world to IMS, but suggests you might allow yourselves to be stuck with someone born in southern England, educated in British East Africa and England, naturalized in Canada and residing in both the USA and Canada. Prefer to put it to a committee of professors and writers from a prestigious English speaking university? It could come to that perhaps; meanwhile, the only way to get started is how most things get started: by a single individual with a workable plan!

Marquis suggests that giving the “foot, put, would” vowel sounds their own vowel, because a very few of them might have two syllables and be stressed (accented), is outside the philosophy of “Inglish Maed Simpəl.” He makes a case against 200 years of contrary agreement by having us leave out the vowels of these three (along with the silent ‘l’) and saying them anyway. The result is “fət, pət, wəd”, using the same so-called vowel of default, the schwa (ə), as used in about, silent, easily, atom and circus (a,e,i,o,u).

One thing is for sure: English needs “Inglish Maed Simpəl,” as it becomes the world’s international language, more by choice than design. (Esperanto went nowhere!) Whether one’s first language includes the Roman alphabet (ABC) or not, the simplification of spelling by either version of IMS, will make the learning of English easier, with a quicker and more thorough understanding. And understanding is, after all, the primary purpose of a language!

“Inglish Maed Simpəl” is an international book aimed at the 5 billion that speak or want to speak this universal language. This very much includes the one billion native English speakers we have now, and their future children, who will have a much easier time learning it than we did, using the time saved to resolve pandemics or terraform Mars!

There is an unsuspected bonus to simplifying the spelling of the English language. It led immediately to the shortest spoken numerical system and this based on the English language, which has up until now had a most cumbersome, plodding numerical language!

When do we do this? Well, we could start now and target a completion date of 2040. Transliterations of well known books and popular writings into Basic or Advanced IMS could begin right away. Perhaps a small island nation will lead the way? Perhaps it won’t have to. The author is here to help, until he clocks out. Let’s get to work!

“Inglish Maed Simpəl: English Should Be Written As It Sounds & Spoken As It Is Written!”
By Chris Marquis
ISBN: 978-1-9822-4130-8 (softcover); 978-1-9822-4129-2 (eBook)
Available at Balboa Press, Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Author
This babyboomer was born in southern England, followed from 5 on, by an interesting childhood in Kampala, Uganda and the Usambara Mountains of Tanganyika. Living in Africa included sailing once through the Suez and twice around the Cape, along with airport hopping flights across the Sahara. After Public schooling back in the UK and an early surveying career, he moonlights to explore the USA and Mexico for 6 months of the hippy seventies, followed by Canadian immigration. Marquis mixes survey work in Manitoba and the Yukon, with lumberjacking BC, and roughnecking Alberta. Embracing near Arctic winters on snow-shoe surveys and frozen tundra drilling, he intersperses his time in Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver with volunteer administration work and taxi driving.

After Canadian citizenship, a trip to California becomes semi-permanent. A one-man mobile selling business of rugs and flags expands across the USA, with particular attention to the Sierras and the Rockies up to Wyoming and Montana. Also, to the east coast, including Florida, North Carolina and Massachusetts. His first circle of the globe in 1984 includes an overland trip from London to Kathmandu. Descending into New Delhi from the Himalayas, he runs into a three day riot of fires and burning buses, following the assassination of Indira Gandhi, as he and the bus driver escape from a series of fiery ambushes.

Eventually, Wisconsin, the Arctic islands and Labrador are the only areas of this amazing continent not yet explored. Returning to Canada in 2018, “Inglish Maed Simpəl” was completed by September 2020 in Vancouver, BC. The above is this time around. Before that, things were tied up with crazy wars on the European subcontinent and beyond. But the time before saw some good use of the English language, still enjoyed today. The seeds of this book were planted then.

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“Inglish Maed Simpəl: English Should Be Written As It Sounds & Spoken As It Is Written!”
By Chris Marquis

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