Prominent Marketing Consultant Offers Help Scaling Businesses to Seven Figures

Co-owner of a massive Germany digital agency, Eric Steigner knows how to help companies grow. The digital marketing and entrepreneur uses his knowledge and experience to analyze, dismantle, and rebuild scalable systems for businesses which help them enhance their bottom line via growth and profitability.

Atlanta, Georgia, Dec. 09, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Entrepreneur and digital marketing consultant Eric Steigner is co-owner of the largest agency program in Germany, as well as the strategic head of some of the most influential advertising campaigns in the country.  His passion is working with existing businesses to deconstruct them into simple building blocks and put them back together in a more profitable and scalable way.

During the last three years, Eric Steigner has been part of the largest webinar project in Germany, helping scale one of the most influential digital franchise companies in the country to seven figures. 

He started his journey back in 2018 as an IT student, working part-time in a grocery store and making 450 euros per month. Although he tried every business model he could find, nothing seemed to work. His motivation was the desire for an independent life—doing what he loved whenever and wherever he wanted. 

After dropping out of university twice, he met his first business mentor—the founder of an eight-figure weight loss company in Germany—and decided to work for him in Bulgaria. Through this experience, he gained insights into several seven- and eight-figure projects quite quickly. After only two months, he was managing six-figure ad campaigns, absorbing every piece of information he could, and developing a wide variety of skills.

However, when he started a new project on his own and gained his first clients, he was shocked to discover that the principles that he was used to—the knowledge and standards in building an offer that works, creating viral ad campaigns, and writing killer copy—were hidden gems for most of his clients. This led him to the important realization that entrepreneurs can change the world, and he developed a passion to share his insights with as many entrepreneurs as possible. 

Now, Eric Steigner primarily works with entrepreneurs who already have an existing offer or service. He examines their entire business in-depth, breaking it down and optimizing every piece to reconstruct them and increase profits. He teaches entrepreneurs how to look deeply into their market, find their audience’s most hidden fears and wishes, and create an offer that is guaranteed to sell. After that, he helps his clients set up traffic campaigns on Facebook, Google, and Youtube to increase their growth exponentially. 

“Business doesn't have to be complete chaos,” Steigner said. “It should be simple and fun. My clients make more money, sleep better, experience better relationships, and know exactly how to scale to the next level.” 

A challenge that Eric Steigner struggled with for quite a while was his young age, which was sometimes an obstacle because many seasoned entrepreneurs thought that 22 years old is too young to know a great deal about the business. Although Eric Steigner would occasionally agree with this assumption, his first mentor allowed him to fast forward through three-five years of learning, going directly to managing six- and seven-figure projects and spending 5,000–6,000 euros a day in ads.

Most impressively, Eric Steigner started with nothing, working for 450 euros a month and reinvesting every cent. During the first nine months, he did not make any money—97 euros a month went into his funnel-building software and 350 euros went toward ads. For more than nine months, there was no surplus, and Eric Steigner was working 12–14 hours a day, seven days a week. Although he had to skip enjoyable activities and lost a few friends, the sacrifice was worth it in the end. 

Currently, he is making six figures a month doing what he loves with a great team of people. With several employees, his business is now fully automated.

“Entrepreneurs can change the world, so I want to help where I can,” Steigner said. “I provide them with everything I know about building and scaling a digital business. I know how hard business can be—especially at the beginning—so I want to personally help at least 10,000 entrepreneurs to build and scale their business and live the life they have dreamed of.”

Ultimately, Eric Steigner urges entrepreneurs to hold onto their dream despite the challenges because it will be worth it in the end. 

To learn more and team up with Eric Steigner to scale your business, visit 


Eric Steigner

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