How the Corey Maggette family gives back to basketball post-NBA

Some Players Go Above & Beyond Post NBA Career

Los Angeles, California, Dec. 10, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- After a long NBA career spanning 14 seasons, Corey Maggette still stays connected to the game. Whether it is working on television, holding camps, or giving advice to current players, there seems to be a lifelong commitment to the game of basketball.

The commitment goes beyond just Maggette as well. The entire Corey Maggette family is staying involved in various ways to give back to the game that has provided so much opportunity. As Maggette himself received considerable support while chasing his dreams growing up in Chicago, it is coming full circle. Whether it is inspiring future NBA talent or helping those who ultimately go in a different career path, the passion for teaching through basketball is stronger than ever.

Support from the Corey Maggette family growing up

When Corey Maggette arrived in the NBA, he was one of the youngest players in the league. After spending just one year at Duke University, the Orlando Magic drafted him 13th overall in 1999. This meant living life in a different state with millions of dollars to his name. All of that can lead to younger players losing focus if they are not careful. However, a good team of family members surrounding Maggette kept him grounded the entire time.

Maggette’s family helped him every step of the way, ensuring that basketball could remain the main focus. Relatives and friends helped him manage his day-to-day activities, with some even relocating to Florida to help out. Whenever he returned to Chicago to play the Bulls, there was always a large contingent of Maggette fans to show their support. This basketball family played a massive role in making him the player he became in the pros.

It is easy for many to take this type of support for granted, but it appears to be something that has stuck with Maggette throughout his life. Whether it is helping out his own family or other younger players he comes across, he is always ready to give that same type of support to anyone chasing their dreams.

Uh Oh Maggette-O Kids Program

As if being a young rookie is not challenging enough, Maggette spent just one year in Orlando before moving to Los Angeles to play for the Clippers. This would end up being his primary home in the NBA, and he quickly took a liking to all of the kids supporting the team. The Uh Oh Maggette-O Kids Program allowed hundreds of local students to attend Clippers games for free.

The goal of this program was to inspire kids and give them a taste of the NBA. Whether they were players or not, getting rewarded with tickets to an NBA game can prove to be inspiring. Many kids never get an opportunity to go to an NBA arena and cheer on the local team.

Corey Maggette Flight 50 Basketball Camp

Like many players, Maggette took advantage of several basketball camps throughout his youth to hone his skills and get the taste of competition early on. Shortly after joining the NBA, he started the Corey Maggette Flight 50 basketball camp. It grew to hundreds and hundreds of kids attending camp each year, and it even won an award for best camp in the NBA. Maggette quickly became very proud for all his camp was able to accomplish in a short amount of time according to news source Sports Information Traders.

Maggette’s strategic move was trying to bring in people who had basketball dreams to play either through college or even the pros. Several kids who ended up attending those camps became part of the basketball family by earning scholarships to college to play at the next level.

Corey Cares Foundation

In 2006, Maggette again looked to launch a new foundation to give back in a big way. The Corey Cares Foundation was an effort to help those in the local community who are less fortunate but passionate about sports. With a particularly soft spot for basketball, Maggette worked hard to allow kids to pursue their dreams. Untapped potential can frustrate anyone who has ever in sports to some capacity. Maggette remembers players he grew up with with all the basketball talent in the world, but they missed out on an opportunity for one reason or another.

Helping The Basketball Family Post-Retirement

Maggette has now been out of the NBA for several years, but that does not mean he is no longer involved with the NBA or basketball. He is passionate about giving back as a general ambassador for the NBA, and directly with the Los Angeles Clippers. He is currently an analyst for Fox Sports, and he makes appearances on behalf of the Los Angeles Clippers from time to time. They have embraced the former star for the franchise as a guy they can use to act as an ambassador.

It seems like basketball is part of Maggette’s life forever. Maggette has a family of his own, but he also considers everyone he connects with in the basketball world as part of his family. Being able to give back and see growth in players can be extremely rewarding.

No one knows what the future holds for Maggette, but he does seem to have a passion for sharing information and helping others. It is what started it all for him back in Chicago, and it just makes sense to give back to the next generation. A person does not have to make it to the NBA to prove their success, but growing in basketball and life is what makes a difference.


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