Planning a Financially Smart Christmas with Cobra Payday Loans

Exeter, UK, Dec. 15, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The holidays can be a time of colossal expenses, but with a little foresight and planning everything can be kept manageable. Follow these tips to ensure your bank account doesn’t take a beating next holiday season. 

  1. Plan early

It is never too early to begin planning for a financially smart Christmas season. This begins with the lengthy list of gifts and includes the guest list for a family dinner. By getting organized and giving yourself plenty of time to prepare you will feel more in control of your festivities from the very beginning.

The sooner you begin the better. Just squirrel away a little bit of cash each month – anything you can – and you will feel a lot less pressure on your financial budget. Which brings us to step no. 2. 

  1. Set a budget

This is by far the most important aspect of keeping a financially sound Christmas. Once you know what you will need to spend on, it will be time to start setting realistic plans for what you can actually afford. Make sure you keep careful track of everything and don’t forget to account for the many hidden expenses that you will face during the holiday season. This includes decorations, food and travel expenses for visiting family and friends.  

After you have carefully planned your budget, the next important step will be sticking to your plan. It can be very easy to overspend –especially if you are carried away by the festive spirit – but this can lead to regrets at the beginning of the year. 

  1. Keep paying your monthly bills

This may sound obvious, but you will still be facing the same monthly bills as always. Be sure to factor the rent, mortgage, phone, food and utility expenses into your plans. If you get paid early in December, try your best to pay off the expenses as soon as you can. This way you will avoid spending on anything else. You may even think of portioning off the cash you will need for these expenses from the beginning  

  1. Look out for deals and freebies

Another important benefit of planning ahead is the chance to shop around at length and find the best promotions and gifts. This may mean moving out of your usual shopping locations and finding places that offer budget-saving options. You would be surprised about the availability of perfect gifts at a fraction of the cost. Being a smart shopper will save you a lot of time and resources on your monthly bills. If you think you are a savvy shopper, here is a test you can take to identify the places you can improve.  

Furthermore, don’t forget to look for all the freebies you possibly can. There is a lot of pressure to take part in the most costly events during the Christmas season, but there are just as many ways to spend your time in low cost activities. Check out online listings for all manner of free activities or activities that will not cost much to fully enjoy. This could be a walk through a well decorated park and many other outings and excursions that will not tax your bank account too highly. 

  1. Shop online

It is easy to become caught up in all the excitement of Christmas shopping and the thrills of the season displayed in colors, sounds and tasty treats. But, you will find that many online shopping options make up for their lack of physical excitement with special offers, promotions and sales.  This is also a good way to cut back on impulse spending. 

Christmas Shopping

  1. Plan your Christmas dinner

In addition to the gifts and decorations you are planning on buying, the Christmas feast is another important expense that will have to be planned effectively. Make a plan and then run out to do any last minute planning you can. This will avoid the high costs of having to make this trip out for shopping more than once. Furthermore, don’t be shy about asking your guests to bring the drinks, snacks or desserts. 

  1. Spread the costs

The best way to mitigate the harshness of your Christmas season spending is by spreading out the damages across a longer period of time. You can buy many Christmas presents and food items in the months and weeks leading up to Christmas. This will result in a greater ease on your paychecks in the month of December.

  1. Spend and borrow sensibly 

Don’t get carried away with competition or the festive spirit. Resist the urge to spend cash unnecessarily. It will be far better for you if you resist the urge to spend a ton of cash and start your new year ahead of the game than spend the first few months playing catch up. 

Having said this, it is quite possible that you will be facing the need to take out a loan. If so, be sure to do this responsibly with Cobra Payday Loans. Borrowing cash is not just a Christmas shopping so make sure you know exactly what you are doing and what you are committing to. This way you will be able to afford the payments and stay in a financially smart place for the entire future. 

When looking for loans, be sure to take out the smartest loans possible, this can mean some shopping around. Look for lenders who provide you with a soft credit check, this means you will be eligible for credit without having to tap into your credit score. At Shawbrook, we offer personalized quotes that you can use as a standard to compare other loan offerings and choose which provides the best options for you. 

  1. Read the small print

If you do decide to borrow money over the Christmas season, do so very carefully. Make sure you read the fine print and know exactly what you are getting into. This way you will know exactly what you will have to pay for and can avoid any unpleasant surprises. 

  1. Start saving for next year

You may not have gotten the flying start on your Christmas plans that you wish you had, but that doesn’t mean it is too late to start smart this coming year. The earlier you begin the better your chances of fully enjoying yourself next time Christmas rolls around. 

If you are besieged by debt and payments, don’t ignore the issue. The sooner you begin making these payments the sooner you will be able to live free from debt and enjoy the thrills of saving money. Visit our help section to get some great advice on doing just that.

Media Details
Company: Cobra Payday Loans
Contact Person: Stuart Smale