EI.Ventures CEO David Nikzad Reveals Plans For MANA Line of Nutraceuticals

Honolulu, Hawaii, Dec. 16, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David Nikzad, an entrepreneur who has years of experience in the psychedelic medicine space, recently announced the six nutraceuticals currently being worked on for release. With demand rising and new breakthroughs happening all the time, focusing on six nutraceuticals is the best way to get future users and investors excited about what is coming down the road.

The perfect time

Mental health, medical issues, and other problems can potentially be solved using psychedelic medicine. It has been used in certain areas of the world for decades, and David Nikzad first became familiar with some of these practices while in Hawaii. 

With the cost of medication rising and more people caring about mental health, there is no better time to start pushing some of these nutraceuticals. All MANA line products use non-psychoactive botanical mushrooms, making them safe and easy for anyone to use. Many are excited about reading the research and time put into developing effective alternatives to traditional medication, and all six nutraceuticals focus on a specific need.

Brain MANA

Anyone familiar with Psilly, Ei’s psilocybin based therapeutic will understand that Brain Mana will provide a lot of the same medical benefits. The difference is that it lacks the psychoactive compounds that people will find with Psilly, making it safer overall for people to use for medicinal purposes.

The nutraceutical consists of several different types of mushrooms, and it is entirely natural to help reduce any adverse reactions whatsoever. They can potentially support symptoms of depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and several other mental health issues.

Happy Sexy

Erectile dysfunction, pulmonary arterial hypertension, and other related issues are treated with sildenafil. Otherwise known as the brand-name Viagra, it is an effective medication that many people rely on. For an alternative, Happy Sexy works by helping without the side effects. It helps to enhance overall sexuality, as well as intimacy.

It is currently completely legal and can be used to enhance the mood or to burn off fat. Some use it for both, and it has the potential to be one of the best options for users. For the night time, Sleepy Sexy encourages better and more natural sleep. This is a great way to recover for the next day and feel as good as new.

Energy MANA

Energy MANA is the best way to get a kick without dealing with any side effects from caffeine, cocoa leaf, or other products. People will notice that they have a better focus on what they are doing, they can stay motivated for more extended periods of time, and they can feel more powerful than ever before


With a combination of energy and cognition boost, it is one of the best options to stay zoned in and productive throughout the day. Some people who are focusing more on studies or work will use this instead of Energy MANA, although they offer similar solutions in many ways.

Pain Eraser

Most people deal with some pain throughout the day and finding a solution that works consistently is more challenging than some people realize. Pain Eraser is completely natural, and it helps with pain relief and overall joint discomfort with ease.

Plans for the MANA line

With a wide range of coverage, the entire MANA line helps people from the very first dosage and continues working at a high level. Using a sales strategy where shipments are sent directly from the business to the consumer, prices can stay down while still offering a superior product.

For more information on the MANA line, or any other plans in the works for Ei.Ventures, visit their official website at ei.ventures.


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