Solvent-Free Reinol Soap a Great Option to Keep Hands Clean and Safe from Occupational Skin Problems

13-Million-Plus Workers Each Year Exposed to Harsh Chemicals in the U.S.

PALM BEACH, FL, Jan. 28, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Thirteen-million-plus U.S. workers each year are exposed to harsh chemicals that can be absorbed through the skin.

With a number so high, it is no surprise that occupational skin diseases rank number two for workplace diseases.

“Construction, agricultural, food service, and auto repair workers need a safe, solvent-free soap at work,” said Clive Leon, founder and chairman of Reinol, the solvent-free, heavy-duty soap manufacturer. “With all the potentially dangerous and harmful chemicals workers can be exposed to at work, the last thing they need is a soap with harsh chemicals in it.”

Solvent-free Reinol Original Hand Cleaner has been cleaning the toughest grime and greasiest grease off the hands of industrial workers for decades.

“Reinol hand cleaner is gentle on your hands,” Leon said. “Our soap’s formula developed about 100 years ago does not and has never contained solvents or other potentially dangerous chemicals.”

Reinol does not contain harsh chemicals that many other heavy-duty soaps use. Reinol does not use mineral spirits, kerosene, white spirits, or naphtha, all harsh and dangerous chemicals.

“We’ve been taking care of the hands of workers in the automotive, mining, electrical, textiles, agriculture, transportation, and maintenance industries for generations,” he added.

Leon said workers are Reinol’s best advertisement.

“Once workers try Reinol, they know how gentle and effective our soap can be,” Leon added.

Consumers now can purchase Reinol Original Hand Cleaner on Amazon and

“Reinol already has made its name Europe as the best solvent-free, heavy-duty soap on the market,” said Leon, adding that Reinol is available in the United States for the first time.

Reinol Original Hand Cleaner only uses soft soaps, oils, and no harsh solvents. It also contains specially selected fine rounded degerminated inert quartz silica sand, which helps pick the dirt off the skin.

Leon emphasized that not only is Reinol great at cleaning hands, it is also inexpensive to use. Just rub a level teaspoon full of Reinol into your hands, add a few drops of water, lather, and rinse thoroughly. A one-liter tub should wash 300 pairs of hands. Reinol recently introduced a dispenser that gives you the exact amount of Reinol you need to clean your hands.

“The test of time tells you how great Reinol is,” Leon said. “We have been taking care of workers’ hands for a century. We expect to continue this tradition for another hundred years.”

To purchase Reinol Original Hand Cleaner, visit or


Reinol Original Hand Cleaner is inexpensive to use. Just rub a level teaspoon full of Reinol into your hands, add a few drops of water, lather, and rinse thoroughly. A one-liter tub should wash 300 pairs of hands. Reinol recently introduced a dispenser that gives you the exact amount of Reinol you need to clean your hands.

Reinol Original Hand Cleaner does not contain harsh chemicals that many other heavy-duty soaps use in their formulas. Reinol does not use mineral spirits, kerosene, white spirits, or naphtha, all harsh and dangerous chemicals.

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