STRAMSHALL, England, Feb. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- House mover extraordinaire and now published author Paul Gabriel recounts his fun-filled life journey in his debut book, “Pip’s Memoirs and Manoeuvres” (published by AuthorHouse UK).
The book begins with the author who, at the age of 20, goes to London and finds a job at a leading wallpaper/fabric emporium. There, he learns a great deal about wallpapers, paints and general interior design. Then, feeling as though he could excel on his own, he leaves to set up as a self-employed interior decorator and kitchen manufacturer. Before long, he meets and marries a beautiful woman named Rosemary. Readers follow the couple as they start a family, raise and privately educate their four children, move house every three years until their 14th move when they finally settle down debt-free.
“No other story covers 14 moves as well as clearing debts,” Gabriel states. “This book will appeal to readers because (it will remind them that) if you put your mind to it, you can do anything. Hard work doesn't kill anyone.”
People who enjoy buying a house, renovating it and moving households will enjoy “Pip’s Memoirs and Manoeuvres.” Visit to purchase a copy.
“Pip’s Memoirs and Manoeuvres”
By Paul Gabriel
Softcover | 6 x 9in | 62 pages | ISBN 9781665584814
E-Book | 62 pages | ISBN 9781665584821
Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble
About the Author
Paul Gabriel was born in 1948 as the youngest of five privately educated children. He has lived in London, the south and the Midlands. He ran an interior decorating business, which led onto a successful kitchen business, making and supplying cupboards and doors, etc. He has raised four children with his darling wife Rosemary.
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