Notice to Annual General Meeting; Proposals of the Board of Directors



Notice to Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given to the shareholders of QPR Software Plc that the Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday March 25, 2021 starting at 1:00 p.m. at the Company's headquarters Huopalahdentie 24, 00350 Helsinki, Finland. Participation and exercise of shareholder rights in the Meeting is possible only by way of proxy representation, by submitting counterproposals and asking questions in advance in accordance with the instructions given in this notice and otherwise by the Company.

The Board of Directors of the Company has resolved on extraordinary measures pursuant to the temporary legislation approved by the Finnish Parliament. In order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Annual General Meeting will be held without shareholders’ presence at the Meeting venue. This is necessary in order to ensure the health and safety of the shareholders, employees and other stakeholders of the Company as well as to organize the Meeting in a predictable way allowing equal means for shareholders to participate while also ensuring compliance with the current restrictions set by the authorities. For these reasons, shareholders can participate in the Meeting only by using their rights by way of proxy representation, by submitting counterproposals and asking questions in advance. Further instructions can be found below in this notice in section C Instructions for the participants of the Annual General Meeting.

The management of the Company and the Auditor will not attend the Meeting, there will be no addresses by the Board or management at the Meeting and no webcast will be provided.



1. Opening of the Meeting

2. Matters of order for the Meeting

The Chair of the Meeting will be Kalle Kyläkallio, attorney-at-law. In case Kalle Kyläkallio would not be able to act as the Chair of the Meeting for a weighty reason, the Board of Directors will name another person it deems most suitable to act as the Chair.

3. Election of a person to confirm the minutes and a person to verify the counting of votes

The person to confirm the minutes and to verify the counting of votes will be Teemu Lehto. In case Teemu Lehto would not be able to act as the person to confirm the minutes and to verify the counting of votes for a weighty reason, the Board of Directors will name another person it deems most suitable to act in that role.

4. Recording the legal convening of the Meeting and quorum

5. Recording the attendance at the Meeting and adoption of the list of votes

The shareholders who have the right to participate in the meeting pursuant to Chapter 5 Sections 6, 6a and 7 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act will be recorded to have attended the meeting. The list of votes will be adopted according to the information provided by Euroclear Finland Oy.

6. Presentation of the Annual Accounts, the review by the Board of Directors and the auditor’s report for the year 2020

QPR Software´s annual report was published on March 4, 2021 and includes the Company’s Annual Accounts, the review by the Board of Directors and the auditor’s report. The document is available on the Company’s website

7. Adoption of the Annual Accounts

8. Resolution on the use of the profit shown on the balance sheet

The Board proposes to the Annual General Meeting that no dividend be paid based on the balance sheet to be adopted for the financial year ended on December 31, 2020.

9. Resolution on the discharge of the members of the Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer

10. Addressing the Remuneration Report

The Remuneration Report is attached to this notice and is available on the Company’s website The resolution on the Remuneration Policy is advisory.

11. Resolution on the remuneration to the members of the Board of Directors and to the Auditor

The major shareholders prepare annually a proposal to the Annual General Meeting for the composition of the Company’s Board of Directors as well as well for the annual emoluments of the Board members and auditors. The Chairman of the Board is responsible for contacting the major shareholders and inviting at least three largest shareholders annually to prepare the proposals.

On the recommendation of the major shareholders of the Company, the Independent Proxy representative named by the Company, proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the monthly fee payable to the Board members elected at the same meeting for a term ending at the close of the next Annual General Meeting is: EUR 3,090 for the Chairman of the Board and EUR 1,545 for each Board member. The fee of the Auditor is proposed to be paid according to reasonable invoice.

12. Resolution on the number of members and election of the Board of Directors

It has been brought to the Company´s attention that shareholders who represent 54 % of the Company´s shares and votes will propose to the Annual General Meeting that the number of Board members be confirmed at four (4) and that Pertti Ervi,  Matti Heikkonen, Antti Koskela and Jukka Tapaninen  be elected as Board members.

The Independent Proxy representative named by the Company proposes on the recommendation of the major shareholders that the number of Board members be four (4) and that Pertti Ervi,  Matti Heikkonen, Antti Koskela and Jukka Tapaninen be elected as Board members. Information about persons proposed to be elected as Board members is attached to this Notice.

13. Election of the Auditor

The Independent Proxy representative named by the Company proposes to the Annual General Meeting that audit firm KPMG Oy Ab be re-elected as QPR Software´s auditor for the financial year 2021. KPMG Oy Ab has announced that Miika Karkulahti, Authorized Public Accountant, would act as principal auditor.

14. Authorization of the Board of Directors to decide on conveyance of own shares

The Board of Directors proposes that the Annual General Meeting would authorize the Board of Directors to decide on conveyance of the Company's own shares, a total of 457,009 shares (share issue). The Board of Directors proposes that the authorization includes the right to deviate from the shareholders' pre-emptive subscription right. 
The authorization can be used to develop the Company's capital structure, as part of the Company's incentive programs or for financial reasons especially substantial for the Company.
The Board of Directors proposes that the authorization shall be in force until the next Annual General Meeting.


The proposals of the Board of Directors are published in this stock exchange bulletin.

The financial statements are available for review by the shareholders on the website of the Company from  March 4, 2021. Copies of the proposals of the Board of Directors and of the financial statements shall be sent to a shareholder by request.


In order to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Meeting will be organized so that only the proxy representatives are allowed to be present at the Meeting venue. This is necessary especially in order to ensure the health and safety of the Company's shareholders, employees and other stakeholders and compliance with the current restrictions set by the authorities. It is requested that shareholders would appoint the Independent Proxy representative nominated by the Company as their proxy representative and give him voting instructions. Shareholders can only participate through a proxy representative, by submitting counterproposals and asking questions in advance.

Participation and Registration

A shareholder of the Company that has been entered into the Company’s shareholders' register maintained by the Euroclear Finland Oy on March 15, 2021, has the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting as described in this notice.

The shareholder willing to participate in the Annual General Meeting shall report the Company of the participation on March 15, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. (Finnish time) at the latest, in writing to the address QPR Software Plc, Huopalahdentie 24, 00350 Helsinki, by phone to the number +358 50 4361 658, or by email to the address

The letter or message of participation shall be at the destination prior to the expiry of the registration period. The possible proxies are asked to be delivered in connection with the registration to the address set forth above.

Proxy representative and powers of attorney

A shareholder may participate in the Annual General Meeting and exercise his/her rights at the Meeting only by way of proxy representation. Due to restrictions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic shareholders are requested to use independent proxy service arranged by the Company and authorize the Independent Proxy representative nominated by the Company, or a person designated by him to represent the shareholder and exercise on his/her behalf the right to vote in accordance with the voting instructions given by the shareholder.

The Independent Proxy representative nominated by the Company is Heikki Uotila, attorney-at-law. His contact information is Susiluoto Attorneys-at-Law Ltd, Uudenmaankatu 16 A, 00120 Helsinki, Finland, tel. + 358 400 429 786, email:

A proxy representative shall produce a dated proxy document or otherwise in a reliable manner demonstrate his/her right to represent the shareholder at the Annual General Meeting. Should a shareholder participate in the meeting by means of several proxy representatives representing the shareholder with shares in different book-entry accounts, the shares by which each proxy representative represents the shareholder shall be identified in connection with the registration for the Annual General Meeting.

Templates for a Power of Attorney as well as for instructions to vote are available on the website of the Company latest on March 9, 2021, when submitting counterproposals to the Annual General Meeting has ended. Possible proxy documents are requested to be delivered by email to or in originals to QPR Software Plc, Huopalahdentie 24, and 00350 Helsinki by March 23, 2021.

Delivery of a duly prepared and signed proxy document to the Company before the end of the registration period March 15, 2021 at 4.00 pm (EET) constitutes due registration for the Annual General Meeting.

Holders of nominee registered shares

A holder of nominee registered shares has the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting by virtue of such shares, based on which he/she on the record date of the Annual General Meeting, i.e. on March 15,  2021, would be entitled to be registered in the shareholders’ register of the Company held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. The right to participate in the Annual General Meeting requires, in addition, that the shareholder on the basis of such shares has been registered into the temporary shareholders’ register held by Euroclear Finland Ltd. at the latest by March 22, 2021 by 10:00 a.m. (EET). With respect to nominee registered shares the temporary entry into the shareholders´ register is considered as registration for the Annual General Meeting. Any changes in share ownership after the date of record shall not have an impact on right to participate the Annual General Meeting nor on votes of the shareholder.

A holder of nominee registered shares is advised to request without delay all necessary instructions regarding the temporary registration in the shareholder's register of the Company, the issuing of proxy documents and registration for the Annual General Meeting from his/her custodian bank. The account management organization of the custodian bank has to register a holder of nominee registered shares, who wants to participate in the Annual General Meeting, into the temporary shareholders’ register of the Company at the latest by March 22, 2021 by 10:00 a.m. (EET), as mentioned above.

Further information about the Annual General Meeting is available on the website of the Company

Other instructions and information

Shareholders who hold at least one hundredth of all the shares in the Company have a right to make a counterproposal on the agenda items, to be placed for a vote. Such counterproposals are required to be sent to the Company by email to no later than by March 9, 2021 at 4:00 p.m (EET). In connection with making a counterproposal, shareholders are required to provide adequate evidence of shareholding. The counterproposal will be placed for a vote subject to the shareholder having the right to participate in the Annual General Meeting and that the shareholder holds at least one hundredth of all shares in the Company on the record date of the Annual General Meeting. Should the counterproposal not be placed for a vote at the meeting, advance votes in favor of the proposal will not be taken into account. The Company will on March 15, 2021, the latest, publish on its website the counterproposals, if any, that may be voted on.

A shareholder has the right to ask questions referred to in Chapter 5, Section 25 of the Finnish Limited Liability Companies Act with respect to the matters to be considered at the Meeting. Such questions must be sent by email to no later than March 15, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. (EET). Such questions from shareholders, the Company’s management’s answers to them, and any counterproposals that have not been placed for a vote are available on the Company’s website on March 18, 2021. In connection with asking questions and making counterproposals, shareholders are required to provide adequate evidence of shareholding.


QPR Software Plc's annual report 2020 was published on Thursday, March 4, 2021 and is available on the Company's internet pages at Copies of the annual report will also be available at the Company's headquarters Huopalahdentie 24, 00350 Helsinki, Finland (tel. +358 45 325 8285 Tarja Viantie).


On the date of this notice for the Annual General Meeting, the total number of shares and votes in QPR Software is 12,444,863.

In Helsinki March 4, 2021

The Board of Directors

Additional information:

Vesa-Pekka Leskinen
Chairman of the Board
QPR Software Plc
Tel. +358 40 500 9830


Nasdaq Helsinki
Main Media

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