Younique Receives Praise for Remphasis of Animal Testing Promise

San Francisco, California, March 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Utah-based makeup and skincare company Younique recently reemphasized its promise to remain cruelty-free and avoid all animal testing. 

Animal testing is likely shrouded in mystery for most consumers. However, it's important to understand that every year in the United States alone, more than half a million animals are harmed solely for the purpose of testing various cosmetics. 

One of the more common tests is the Draize test. This procedure helps determine if a product contains ingredients that may cause rashes or skin irritation. Albino rabbits are well known to have far more sensitive skin than humans, so they are typically subjected to back-to-back patch tests throughout multiple periods.

Sometimes eye irritant tests are performed, which help makeup brands understand what might happen if their product were to get into a user's eye. But, in order to fully grasp this, products are intentionally rubbed into the eyes of rabbits, mice, and rats throughout a three to five-day period to gauge reaction.

Beyond testing, animal subjects are typically kept in the dark, cramped cages and are not administered medication following painful experiments. To fully understand the gravity of the mistreatment suffered by these animals, note that cosmetic animal testing is banned in places such as Norway, Colombia, the United Kingdom, the entire European Union, Israel, and India.

Younique has made it obvious they are not only aware of these common tests but absolutely appalled by them. The brand recently added their animal testing promise to each page of their website, prominently reminding every shopper who hits their page they vehemently refuse to condone animal testing.

Within this promise, Younique states that they do not test products or raw formulas of any kind on animals. Furthermore, the company clarifies that it fully supports the kind and ethical treatment of all animals. But it doesn't end there---the promise concludes by outlining that Younique specifically seeks out manufacturers who share their same values.

As this is still a huge problem in the industry, Younique is being lauded by beauty bloggers, makeup reviewers, and online users far and wide for setting the bar on how cosmetic companies should handle the subject. That is a big part of why Younique has become the makeup of choice for many.

"I'll only purchase from companies who care about animals and refuse to test on them. I'm happy to say Younique's animal testing promise sets the bar really high. I wish all companies would make their practices this clear," stated one user in a recent review. "I love it when companies stand up for change!"

The reviews and positivity towards animal protection in the process of testing beauty products are only a small part of what makes companies like Younique so successful.


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