Change in Realkredit Danmark A/S’s Executive Board


NASDAQ Copenhagen
 The Board of Directors
Lersø Parkallé 100
DK-2100 København Ø

Telephone +45 7012 5300

3 May 2021



Company Announcement No 39/2021


Change in Realkredit Danmark A/S’s Executive Board


The CEO Carsten Nøddebo Rasmussen has indicated, that he wish to resign his position as CEO of Realkredit Danmark A/S. In that connection Kamilla Hammerich Skytte will be employed at the latest on 1 February 2022 as member of the Executive Board of Realkredit Danmark with a view to replace Carsten Nøddebo Rasmussen as CEO after a short transition period.


Kamilla Hammerich Skytte has been CEO of Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab since June 2020. Kamilla Hammerich Skytte, age 48, holds a Master Degree in Economics from the University of Copenhagen.



Yours faithfully


The Board of Directors



For further information, please contact Head of Press Relations, Danske Bank and Realkredit Danmark, Stefan Singh Kailey +45 25 45 60 44.



Nr. 39_Ændring i direktionen i Realkredit Danmark AS_uk