BEAMSVILLE, Ontario, May 06, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- National Health Services (NHS) is now trialing a program that will provide some smokers admitted to emergency departments free vaping starter kits and instruction on how to use them, in combination with ongoing stop smoking support. The other group of smokers will be provided only a leaflet with information on local stop smoking services. Both groups will be asked one, three and six months later if they still smoke. The Canadian Vaping Association (CVA) commends the UK for continuing to make evidence based decisions, while ensuring the lives of smokers remain a priority.
Public Health England (PHE) has been a global leader in vaping research and support for vaping as a harm reduction tool. Despite the global denial of vaping’s efficacy, PHE has never waivered in its guidance to smokers that vaping is a less harmful alternative to smoking. The misperceptions about vaping have prompted PHE to release several statements to reassure the public and smokers. Most notably stating, “There are over 6 million smokers in England and smoking is still the leading cause of premature death and disease particularly among the most disadvantaged in our society. Helping more smokers quit is vital if we’re to achieve the government’s vision of a smoke free society by 2030, and vaping has a role to play. Vaping has helped many thousands of smokers quit to date. But many thousands more could benefit if they were not put off by the persistent, worsening and inaccurate beliefs the public hold about vaping. Smokers should be reassured by today’s authoritative and detailed report which shows that the UK’s e-cigarette regulations are effective, and vaping remains a safer alternative to smoking. I urge smokers to have confidence in our regulatory system and not be put off by alarmist headlines about the risk of vaping which are not backed up by the evidence.”
“The CVA is encouraged by the UK’s progressive policy and initiatives. The science coming out of the UK has been consistent in finding vaping to be far less harmful and effective for quitting smoking. We implore the Government of Canada to follow the UK’s lead and ensure the lives of smokers are the primary consideration when implementing policy,” said Darryl Tempest, Executive Director of the CVA.
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