After a Year of Loss, Ryanair Reports 'Strong Snap Back'

Dublin, May 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ResearchAndMarkets.compublished a new article on the air travel industry "After a Year of Loss, Airline Reports 'Strong Snap Back'"

Ryanair has posted the biggest annual loss in the company’s 35-year history, after Covid travel restrictions and national lockdowns nearly wiped out air travel and plunged passenger numbers by 81 percent in what it said was its “most challenging” year to date.

The airline lost 815 million euros between March 2020 and March 2021, as opposed to profiting by a billion euros the year before. But the airline struck a hopeful note, reporting a “strong snap back” in bookings in recent weeks, and saying it could break even this year, in the absence of further disruption.

The article on contains a selection of reports on air travel such as:

  • Airline Brands & the Pandemic: Benchmarking COVID-19 Policies & Communications
  • Passenger Chartered Air Transport Global Market Report 2021: COVID-19 Impact and Recovery to 2030
  • Air Travel - Global Market Trajectory & Analytics

To see the full article and a list of related reports on the market, visit "After a Year of Loss, Airline Reports 'Strong Snap Back'"


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