No Surgery and No Needles, CoolSculpting Reigns Supreme Post-COVID Weight Gain by Skinly Aesthetics MedSpa

NEW YORK, June 07, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- You’ve undoubtedly heard of the effects that the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuing lockdown has had on people’s mental health, but what about their physical health?

Many people have put on a bit of extra weight since COVID hit, but a new medical advancement promises to reverse those unfortunate bodily shifts. CoolSculpting is the latest medical technique to get rid of fat pockets that seem to be just so hard to lose.

We talked to some of the leading experts in the NYC CoolSculpting treatment industry to get you a better idea of what lies behind this revolutionary new procedure.

What You Should Know About CoolSculpting

We asked one of the leading doctors over at MedSpa NYC to give us a basic breakdown of what CoolSculpting does, and this was the answer that we received. “CoolSculpting is essentially a cosmetic procedure that uses cryolipolysis to get rid of fat in unwanted areas.”

“To put it in layman’s terms, we essentially freeze the fat cells so that we can remove fat in unwanted areas. While this may evoke images of frostbite and other unseemly things, people should rest assured that this is an extremely safe medical procedure due to its non-invasive nature.”

We also asked about the potential for infection or other complications resulting from the procedure. “The chances of CoolSculpting causing an infection or other major side effects are almost zero since there are no scalpels or needles involved. At the very worst, clients will experience a bit of discomfort during and after their procedure.”

When we asked about where CoolSculpting could help clients lose fat, the doctor insisted that CoolSculpting can be used to remove fat deposits from nearly anywhere on the body. Some particularly popular areas were around the waist, calves, and double chins.

Another advantage of CoolSculpting’s non-invasive nature, the doctor told us, was that it doesn’t require the patient to be put under. Even better, you don’t have to take any drugs after the procedure is open, which means that CoolSculpting can be performed on people with weaker systems that may not react well to the drugs.

Why Haven't We Heard of This Before?

With all of these advantages over traditional weight loss procedures, most people wonder why they haven’t heard of CoolSculpting before, and that’s due to how recent it is. CoolSculpting was only just approved by the FDA as a safe and effective way to remove people’s fat, and now there’s a bull rush among clinics to be the first to offer it.

NYC CoolSculpting treatment centers were some of the first, and they are therefore some of the most advanced in the field. For those looking for the most experienced practices in the domain of CoolSculpting, New York city is something of a Mecca.

We also spoke to one of the leading executives of MedSpa NYC about how they work with clients to make sure that their needs are met. “Before we start working with someone, we sit down with them and discuss everything that they can expect from the procedure. If all this sounds good to them, then we’ll move on to the next step.”

This next step is an in-depth interview with the client about what kind of results they want and where they would like to remove some fat. “Many people come in looking to get some relatively minor work done, like around their jawline or the elimination of their love handles, while other clients are looking for a little bit more.”

“In those cases, we tend to schedule several appointments so that the recovery periods can be more spaced out without putting too much stress on the patient’s system.” When we asked how long the average recovery time was after a procedure, we were assured that it takes no longer than 24 to 72 hours, depending on the individual.

Will CoolSculpting Work Instantly?
We also questioned several different doctors and employees around MedSpa NYC about how long it takes for CoolSculpting to take effect. While the fat cells will be instantly frozen by the procedure, we were warned that the results wouldn’t begin immediately.

This ties into the science behind how CoolSculpting works. When the fat cells are frozen, they won’t immediately die off and magically disappear since your body will still need to process them. When they are frozen, your body will metabolize them as they enter your bloodstream throughout the week after your procedure.

Some Final Notes
One thing to consider is that CoolSculpting is still a relatively new and innovative technique, and that makes it expensive. For the time being, it is only available to those who are willing to drop large sums of money on it, but we have been assured that as technology progresses, it will become more and more affordable.

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Company - Skinly Aesthetics

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