Littcoin announces acting CEO, Chris Sealy

LOS ANGELES, July 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- At the helm of some of the biggest roll outs in the world of FinTech, Automotive, Music, Leisure & Retail, Chris brings to LittCoin™, years of directorship in strategy, creative, digital and marketing fields, working with global brands such as Concardis Bank, SaintGobain, VirginMedia, Jaguar Land Rover, DesignerVision London.

Reimagining products and services before we knew we needed them is what he’s best at, and the imminent LittCoin ™ White Paper will be the marriage certificate to prove the relationship, taking this vision to the next level and beyond!

This is the first of a series of announcements of the Littcoin team.

Heman Yones - Vision

20 years in the game, Heman Yones is a digital visionary. His London-based tech nerve centre is something out of a Bond movie and has been at the forefront of cutting edge development in everything ‘connected’.

Working with serious partners in the public and private sector, the genius has touched the world of Music Streaming, Asset tracking, Psychology, Virtual Reality & AI machine logic. His team behind the new LittCoin ™ tech future will demonstrate just how much we didn’t know was possible and is sure to set fire to the competition in this incredibly exciting new Crypto landscape.

About Littcoin

Littcoin is a community-focused social project powered by blockchain technology. The aim of the project is to empower entertainers and their fans to take advantage of a decentralized entertainment industry. Littcoin connects music writers, music creators, investors, and directors to make sure that good music is produced. It also gives everyone in the music industry a voice to be heard.

The team behind Littcoin are persons of impeccable characters. The team members have vast years of experience in the entertainment industry. Plus, they have a track record for creating and delivering successful projects. The vision of the team is to deliver a project that would be the future of the global entertainment industry. The vision is also to reward contributors without bias or sentiment.

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Media contact

Company: Littcoin LLC
Contact Name: Littcoin
