Executive Coaching Website Launched by Joel Trammell to Help with CEO Education and Training

Denver, Sept. 14, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Joel Trammell, author of “The CEO Tightrope,” is launching a new executive/CEO coaching initiative along with Sherif Sakr through the American CEO website. Joel is a serial entrepreneur and has been building successful companies throughout his career. His leadership has resulted in multiple 8 and 9-figure exits and exceptional investor returns over his 30-year career. He is also the owner of a Texas CEO Ranch and a Texas magazine for CEOs, which reaches over 10,000 businesses across the state. And he is a pioneer in the field of CEO education and training.

“The number one job of a CEO is to create the operational capability for predictable performance,” says Joel Trammell. “As CEO, you must grow so that your business can grow. Predictable growth is a result of mastering the five responsibilities of a CEO: vision, resources, culture, decision making, and delivering performance.”

Executive Coaching / CEO Mentoring at AmericanCEO.com

The responsibility for vision means CEOs need to know how to own their “why” and communicate it to the organization. They must also be responsible for resources, know how to allocate capital and discover the right people for the organization. It falls on the CEO to establish the corporate culture and to maintain it. And making decisions throughout the organization is a key responsibility of CEOs to boost the speed and quality of progress. And finally, CEOs must know how to deliver performance by aligning the six external and internal stakeholders.

After working as a CEO for decades, Joel observed a pervasive problem. Many of them were seriously lacking in the fundamental education and tools necessary to make their companies really great. He was seeing singles and strikeouts where there should have been home runs. He launched the American CEO website to offer the guidance and support that CEOs were lacking. He also wrote a book titled “The CEO Tightrope” that can serve as a comprehensive guide, offering proven techniques and approaches for overcoming the unique obstacles on the path of a CEO. As a CEO educator and author, Joel Trammell has taught Managerial Excellence Courses and CEO Master Classes for years.

Joel Trammel also established the Texas CEO Magazine, which is read by more than 10,000 CEOs in the state. The magazine’s mission is to provide help to CEOs in growing their business and in mastering the role as the chief executive, no matter what kind of organization they lead: private or public, non-profit or for-profit. CEOs can join the magazine community by subscribing to its print edition, listening to their podcast, visiting the magazine website, or attending one of their events.

Sherif Sakr, the son of two PhDs, spent his childhood in four countries on three continents before settling in Cincinnati. He studied international economics and chemical engineering and succeeded in four different careers before deciding to become an entrepreneur and starting a business. He soon realized that he lacked the business skills and tools to be effective. Knowing that he could not see his own blind spots, he looked for knowledge and guidance to improve his decision making and performance.

Sherif was able to find mentorship from a peer group. After three years of working with the peer group, he was able to turn his company around and sell it. He then took a year off during which he realized - with advice from his wife of more than 25 years - that coaching CEOs and business owners is where he should focus. He focused on facilitating CEO peer groups in Denver until he met Joel Trammell in 2021 and they decided to collaborate. Sherif’s experience in leading peer groups and Joel’s experience and content were the ideal seed to innovate the peer group concept by introducing a critical missing component: a practical curriculum to teach the job of CEO and help ensure predictable operations and growth. This collaboration resulted in the establishment of American CEO.

Those who are interested in the CEO coaching services by Joel Trammell and Sherif Sakr and their CEO Peer Groups or their upcoming Five Star Sessions can visit the American CEO website or contact them through email.


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