Cowboy Zombies, the first play-to-shot game, is getting ready for presale

Oslo, Norway, Sept. 25, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the all-new Shoot to earn gaming incentive trend, the Cowboy Zombies team is prepping up for the project's presale in October. Beyond the regular Play to Earn gaming incentive model now common with decentralized games, Cowboy Zombies is launching what is likely to become a new trend.

The Cowboy Zombies Play to shoot in-game incentive is such that players get the Cowboy Zombies tokens for shooting down zombies.

Cowboy Zombies games theme

Cowboy Zombies is themed around the movie Walking dead, the RPG-based game Left four dead, and the wild west American cowboy life of thrilling horseback bounty hunting with rifle and close combat knife fights.

Fusing the regular adventurous life of the cowboy and the horror of Zombie hunting along with its shoot-to-earn gaming incentive model, Cowboy Zombies is creating an entirely new genre of decentralized games.

The game consists of cowboy and cowgirl characters along with different zombie characters. The cowboys and cowgirls are required to grow through 5 shooting ranks employing various shooting skills and guns.

According to the games team, the game is being designed by over seven gaming designers from across the globe who are well-known in the game design space.

In the game, players must join in, either as a cowboy or cowgirl, to help ride the zombies out of town like bounty hunting of wanted criminals in the wild west.

A new gaming incentive model is born.

Play-to-earn games brought a whole new spin to online gaming. Traditionally with online gaming, the incentive was just the momentary thrill to the game's adventure or fun. With the advent of Play to earn monetary incentives brought into the gaming process, a new sub-niche within gaming was born.

Play to earn became popularized by Axie Infinity along with Sandbox, with millions of active gamers coming on board this new trend. Play to earn gaming incentive model has now become almost a common trend with blockchain games.

Cowboy Zombies Shoot to earn model fuses the old to the new. So with this, gamers are not just getting paid for being on a game. Instead, they are rewarded for fantastic gaming. So the greater the kills and fun, the more rewards the players get to earn.

Token information

25% of the Cowboy Zombies' supply is kept off for its shot to earn incentives. That being said, another 48% will be locked up for liquidity on Pancakeswap. There is also some for cowboy farming (yield farming on the game) and development cost.

According to the team, more information regarding the game's direction and features will unfold as development continues to unfold.

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Name: Erik Haaland
