Relationship Coach Sigurd Vedal Challenges Divorce Rates With Marriage Booster Program

Is your marriage lacking fire? Relationship coach Sigurd Vedal is on a mission to help couples rediscover their passion for each other.

Oslo, Norway, Oct. 02, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Divorce rates are on the rise in Israel. In 2018 alone, divorce rates among Israeli Jews increased by 5% and have only risen since. In 2020, rates dropped slightly during the coronavirus pandemic, but there were still 11,076 Jewish couples who filed for divorce. These statistics, which don’t even begin to cover non-Jewish Israelis, are staggering.

Sigurd Vedal, a life and relationship coach, would like to see that trend change. He’d like to help couples to reignite the love “flame” within their marriages. He developed his Marriage Booster coaching program with that specific purpose.

What Is the Marriage Booster Program?

The Marriage Booster program is based on Vedal’s “love flame” method. In this method, a flame becomes a metaphor for love. For it to grow, it needs fuel – it needs to be fed. Partners can provide that fuel, and in turn feed the flame, by fulfilling each other’s needs. The program emphasizes performing essential actions in a way that the other partner prefers. In this way, each partner is empowered to encourage feelings of desire in the other.

One of the reasons why this approach has seen such great success is because it has helped couples to recognize that they were trying to find validation for, and satisfaction of their emotional needs from sources outside of their marriage. When either partner is not feeling validated, cared for, or seen by their spouse, they tend to turn towards others for this intimacy and connection.

Within the program, couples will find a better understanding of one another’s needs, and will learn what acts are required to fulfill them. Whether a couple craves more admiration, affection, or honesty (or simply a more active sex life), the program will help them to turn to each other to have their needs met, strengthening the marriage in the process. Pleasing one’s partner becomes a focus.

Speaking from Personal Experience

Sigurd Vedal didn’t come up with the Marriage Booster program overnight, or by accident. A veteran of several different industries (including sound engineering and radio), Vedal’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to try his hand at launching both casino, and dating websites. Still, it wasn’t until Vedal went through his own divorce that he began to question how love really works.

That questioning led him on a quest that involved speaking with different relationship experts and devouring literature and research on the topic of love and relationships. The “love flame” concept and the Marriage Booster program were the results of his research. For several years now, Vedal has been providing coaching to couples in all stages of marriage, helping them reignite their love.

Sigurd Vedal is confident that the Marriage Booster program can revolutionize marriages across the world. For more marriage tips from Vedal, visit

Sigurd Vedal

Marriage Booster
