Addiction Treatment Services Provider Remains Focused On Albuquerque

Albuquerque, May 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Albuquerque, New Mexico -

Albuquerque, NM based Icarus Behavioral Health is reaching out to reassure their community that their staff remain committed to providing support for people in need. While the facility receives visitors and patients from across the country, they recognize that Albuquerque is itself in profound need of addiction treatment services as well as mental health and behavioral health facilities. As such, local residents will always be welcome at Icarus Behavioral Health. Those interested may learn more about Albuquerque addiction treatment services by contacting the center today.

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient facilities as well as a comprehensive list of supporting programs that are designed to meet their community’s needs. As the newest and most cutting edge New Mexico rehabilitation provider, Icarus is uniquely positioned to offer residential care and medication assisted treatment to Albuquerque, Santa Fe and the state as a whole, and this has given the team a unique perspective of how addiction and its associated issues can be approached.

A group of clients meets for the Albuquerque IOP (a New Mexico top intensive outpatient program) from Icarus Behavioral Health

For instance, the team has learned to acknowledge the fact that the path to recovery is often very different for each individual, so a single path (even one with numerous branches) cannot accommodate them all. Instead, they took a look at every method that has shown promise, and results, and went about incorporating them into their existing services. Today, patients will find that Icarus Behavioral Health actively offers all spiritual and secular approaches that result in sobriety, including the support for SMART (Self-Management and Recovery Training) Recovery meetings for their clients. See more here: SMART Recovery Meetings New Mexico.

Notably, this does not mean that their standards have been dropped in the slightest — each method still has to undergo a rigorous vetting process before it is adopted. The clinic says the difference is that their staff have simply given each alternative a chance to stand on its own merit, even if others have dismissed them out of hand. This combination of fair consideration and strict standards effectively means that behavioral healthcare at Icarus is simply unparalleled among NM facilities.

SMART Recovery is an excellent example of this. An alternative to Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), this treatment modality has proven effective for those who have misgivings about certain aspects of AA. Icarus explains that it is a four-point program that encourages inner change in all participants. The points in question involve building and maintaining motivation; coping with urges; managing thoughts, feelings and behaviors; and living a balanced life. Self-empowerment and self-reliance are core aspects of this program, especially since participants must learn to hold themselves accountable for their actions.

This is crucial because a person struggling with an addiction must find the strength to confront their issues within themselves. External investment, in the form of supportive social circles and the coping techniques they learn, is important, but it must be balanced by inner strength and commitment to recovery. SMART, however, seeks to give participants every tool they need to both find this inner strength as well as feed it as time goes on. Through the program, participants can learn various techniques (eg, cognitive-behavioral therapy, motivational enhancement and so on) that will help them successfully recover from their addiction.

Icarus Behavioral Health is also keen to help their community by less direct means. For instance, they regularly publish and share resources on various aspects of drug and alcohol addiction (and recovery) that their community can examine at their convenience or when in need — even before they approach a professional for assistance.

An example of this is their latest resource on IV drug use risks, intended for both intravenous users and their loved ones as an educational offering that can help guide those seeking a new way of life into recovery. Freely accessible on Icarus’ official website, this article explains what IV drug use entails, which drugs are most commonly imbibed in this manner and (as the title suggests) even what risks users undergo. The article is exhaustive, but it is also written so as to make a complex subject much easier to understand for the average person.

Any individual seeking help for a specific issue, including their own addiction or a loved one’s, can approach the team at Icarus Behavioral Health for more comprehensive resources. They can be reached via their hotline at any time.


For more information about Icarus Behavioral Health, contact the company here:

Icarus Behavioral Health
8601 Golf Course Road NW
Albuquerque, NM 87114


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