AGF Replaces Portfolio Manager for AGF Floating Rate Income Fund

Also announces fee reductions for certain series of AGF Floating Rate Income Fund, AGF Global Real Assets Fund and AGF Global Real Assets Class

TORONTO, July 25, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AGF Investments Inc. (TSX:AGF.B) is pleased to announce that effective today, Credit Suisse Asset Management, LLC and AGF have been named portfolio managers of AGF Floating Rate Income Fund.

“After an extensive search process, we are pleased to partner with Credit Suisse Asset Management’s Credit Investment Group (“CSAM CIG”) as we look to grow and enhance our floating rate strategy,” said Karrie Van Belle, Chief Marketing & Innovation Officer, AGF. “The CSAM CIG team has extensive experience and a rigorous process with a demonstrated history of attractive performance in this asset class, making them the right fit for AGF.”

John G. Popp, Global Head and Chief Investment Officer of CSAM CIG, said, “We are pleased to partner with AGF on their AGF Floating Rate Income Fund, which will expand CSAM CIG’s investor base, underscoring our position as one of the largest and most experienced providers of leveraged finance solutions in the industry.”

As part of its commitment to sustainable investing, AGF values CSAM CIG’s approach to ESG, which is incorporated in their loan analysis and portfolio construction processes.* Both firms are also signatories to the United Nations-supported Principles for Responsible Investment.

AGF has also been named a portfolio manager on AGF Floating Rate Income Fund and will be responsible for currency management.

Management Fee Reductions

Effective August 1, 2022, management fees will be reduced for AGF Floating Rate Income Fund (Series F, Series FV, Series Q and Series W), AGF Global Real Assets Fund (Series F) and AGF Global Real Assets Class (Series F) as follows:

AGF Fund Series Management Fee Change
AGF Floating Rate Income Fund

Series F0.95% changed to 0.65%
Series FV0.95% changed to 0.65%
Series Q0.80% (maximum) changed to 0.65% (maximum)
Series W0.80% (maximum) changed to 0.65% (maximum)
AGF Global Real Assets FundSeries F1.00% changed to 0.70%
AGF Global Real Assets ClassSeries F1.00% changed to 0.70%

Further information about the AGF Funds can be found at

* AGF Floating Rate Income Fund is not an ESG or SRI strategy, however, in evaluating and researching securities within the framework of the strategy, ESG factors and considerations are integrated into the fundamental research process.

About AGF Management Limited

Founded in 1957, AGF Management Limited (AGF) is an independent and globally diverse asset management firm. AGF brings a disciplined approach to delivering excellence in investment management through its fundamental, quantitative, private alternative and high-net-worth businesses focused on providing an exceptional client experience. AGF’s suite of investment solutions extends globally to a wide range of clients, from financial advisors and individual investors to institutional investors including pension plans, corporate plans, sovereign wealth funds and endowments and foundations.

AGF has investment operations and client servicing teams on the ground in North America, Europe and Asia. AGF has investment operations and client servicing teams on the ground in North America, Europe and Asia. With nearly $38 billion in total assets under management and fee-earning assets, AGF serves more than 800,000 investors. AGF trades on the Toronto Stock Exchange under the symbol AGF.B.

AGF Investments Inc. is a subsidiary of AGF.

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Media Contact

Amanda Marchment
Director, Corporate Communications