iMADES Communication, an agency committed to equality, and the consultancy firm KPI develop the Digiproof-IA service

Digiproof is an advisory tool to help companies increase their ROI by up to 36% through the adoption and use of diversity, equity and inclusion measures

MADRID, Spain, March 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Various studies, such as McKensey's Diversity Wins report, have shown that organisations that apply diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) increase their productivity and are more profitable. Aware of these benefits, the iMADES Communication agency wanted to go a step further in its commitment to equality and together with the LegalTech and FinTech consultancy KPI Risk Ethics & Compliance they have developed the Digiproof-IA tool.

It is a state-of-the-art advisory service that seeks to increase the power of change in organisations, helping them to adopt IED measures and to improve their return on investment (ROI). Specifically, Digiproof-IA enables companies to increase their margins, enhance their brand reputation, strengthen their alliances and attract partners, thereby making them exemplary places to work or "Best Places to Work."

Opting for a diverse, equitable and inclusive perspective has numerous advantages and agencies such as iMADES Communication, thanks to the technology provided by Digiproof-IA, play a key role in this field. Thanks to dynamic analysis and diagnosis of large volumes of data and information, a correct understanding of the positioning of companies is obtained, potential risks are detected, as well as opportunities and trends that boost competitiveness.

But how does Digiproof-IA work? It is a tool that uses social listening to track and follow communities in real time, identifying social dynamics and trends. In this way, it is possible not only to analyse the company's communication and monitor the real impact of communications, but also to identify and avoid the risks derived from not attending to the diversity of the markets in which it operates and, even more importantly, to reach those markets where it could not. To this end, Digiproof relies on state-of-the-art technologies of its own design and provides Social Quant Analysis, applied to the IED and the financial sector.

Investing in diversity pays off

In addition to being more cost-effective, organisations that adopt DEI gain other benefits such as:

  • Increased productivity: people working in such organisations feel happier, which increases their productivity, commitment and loyalty to the organisation.
  • Reduced turnover: happier employees result in lower staff turnover.
  • Improving the company's reputation and increasing its brand value.
  • Increased creativity by 19% due to the addition of diverse perspectives and ideas.
  • It doubles the possibilities of conquering new markets because of a greater capacity to adapt to a varied public.

All these advantages result in an improvement in the perception of companies, a key issue in a business and heritage environment in which, when it comes to being diverse and inclusive, it is not only necessary to be diverse and inclusive, but also to appear to be diverse and inclusive. Indeed, organisations that apply DEI values but fail to translate that behaviour into the external image perceived by society risk alienating the generation of the future. As many as 8 out of 10 young people from Generation Z, the employees and customers of the future, will refuse to work for a company that does not display values of diversity and equal treatment.

Thus, the advantages of to opt for a diverse, equitable and inclusive perspective are numerous and agencies such as iMADES Communication have a key role to play in helping companies to carry out an analysis and diagnosis of all this volume of data provided by technologies such as Digiproof, which, with a correct understanding and interpretation, allows them to anticipate very harmful risks, detecting opportunities and trends to become more competitive organisations.

About iMADES Communication: we are an international communication, public affairs, crisis communication and reputation agency, specialised in communication strategies in processes of high media exposure. In addition, we work in an expert line of communication support for women leaders, we provide training in inclusive communication and in other areas that promote equality in the company. We develop our services both in Europe and Latin America, where we have a team specialised in strategic communication in the region.


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