Six-month interim re
Six-month interim report (Q2) 2009
August 18, 2009 05:58 ET | ALK Abello
(unaudited) Financial performance in the six months ended June 30, 2009 (Comparative figures for the same period last year are shown in brackets) - Sales growth continued in Q2 and organic growth in...
Delårsrapport første
Delårsrapport første halvår (Q2) 2009
August 18, 2009 05:58 ET | ALK Abello
(urevideret) Økonomiske resultater for perioden (Sammenligningstal for samme periode sidste år er anført i parentes) - Salgsvæksten fortsatte i andet kvartal, og den organiske vækst i vaccinesalget...
Release date of six-
Release date of six-month interim report (Q2) 2009 for ALK
August 11, 2009 09:41 ET | ALK Abello
On Tuesday, August 18, 2009, ALK releases its interim report for the six months ended June 30, 2009. ALK will hold a conference call for analysts and investors that day at 2.30 p.m. (CET) at which...
Dato for offentliggø
Dato for offentliggørelse af delårsrapport for første halvår (Q2) 2009 for ALK
August 11, 2009 09:41 ET | ALK Abello
Tirsdag den 18. august 2009 offentliggør ALK delårsrapport for første halvår (Q2) 2009. ALK afholder samme dag kl. 14.30 (CET) en telefonkonference for analytikere og investorer, hvor adm. direktør...
Improved quality of
Improved quality of life and sustained symptom control of GRAZAX® after completion of treatment (EAACI 2009)
June 08, 2009 06:00 ET | ALK Abello
The clinical benefits of ALK's allergy immunotherapy tablet (AIT) for grass allergy, GRAZAX®, are sustained after completion of treatment. A follow-up study covering the first year after treatment...
Forbedret livskvalit
Forbedret livskvalitet og vedvarende symptomdæmpende effekt af GRAZAX® efter afsluttet behandling (EAACI 2009)
June 08, 2009 06:00 ET | ALK Abello
Den kliniske effekt af ALKs tabletvaccine mod græsallergi fortsætter efter afslutning af behandlingen. Et opfølgningsstudie dokumenterer, at græspollenallergikere behandlet med GRAZAX® opnår...
House dust mite alle
House dust mite allergy immunotherapy tablet shows highly beneficial results in asthma patients (EAACI 2009)
June 08, 2009 06:00 ET | ALK Abello
ALK's house dust mite allergy immunotherapy tablet (AIT) has a significant positive clinical effect in asthma patients. This is the conclusion from a large Phase II/III clinical study (MT-02)...
Three-month interim
Three-month interim report (Q1) 2009
May 01, 2009 03:54 ET | ALK Abello
(unaudited) Financial performance in the three months ended March 31, 2009 (Comparative figures for the same period last year are shown in brackets) - Organic growth in vaccine sales for the...
Delårsrapport 3 måne
Delårsrapport 3 måneder (Q1) 2009
May 01, 2009 03:54 ET | ALK Abello
(urevideret) Økonomiske resultater for perioden (Sammenligningstal for samme periode sidste år er anført i parentes) - Den organiske vækst i vaccinesalget i årets første tre måneder blev 14 % -...
Release date of thre
Release date of three-month interim report (Q1) 2009 for ALK
April 24, 2009 05:33 ET | ALK Abello
On Friday, May 1, 2009, ALK expects to release its interim report for the three months ended March 31, 2009, before 10.00 (CET). ALK will hold a conference call for analysts and investors that...