July 30, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS-i LHV Group (edaspidi „Grupp“) juhatus kutsub kokku aktsionäride erakorralise üldkoosoleku, mis toimub 21. augustil 2019. aastal algusega kell 13:00 (Tallinna aja järgi) Hilton Tallinn Park...
LHV Group uuendas pi
LHV Group uuendas pikaajalist finantsprognoosi
July 25, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Groupi nõukogu kiitis heaks uuendatud finantsprognoosi aastateks 2019–2023, mille kohaselt on oluliselt suurendatud LHV ärimahtude kasvu prognoosi. Lisaks 2019. aasta 6 kuu tulemustele on...
LHV Group updated th
LHV Group updated the long-term financial forecast
July 25, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
The Supervisory Board of AS LHV Group approved the updated financial forecast for 2019–2023 pursuant to which, the forecast for the growth of LHV’s business volumes has been significantly increased. ...
LHV Groupi 16. juuli
LHV Groupi 16. juuli investorkohtumise salvestus
July 17, 2019 01:30 ET | AS LHV Group
16. juulil 2019 toimunud investorkohtumisel tutvustasid LHV Groupi 2019. aasta II kvartali majandustulemusi LHV Groupi juhataja Madis Toomsalu, LHV Panga juhatuse esimees Erki Kilu ja LHV Varahalduse...
Recording of LHV Gro
Recording of LHV Group's 16 July investor meeting
July 17, 2019 01:30 ET | AS LHV Group
At the investor meeting held on 16 July 2019, LHV Group's 2019 Q2 results were presented by Madis Toomsalu, CEO of LHV Group, Erki Kilu, Chairman of the Management Board of LHV Pank and Vahur...
LHV Groupi 2019. aas
LHV Groupi 2019. aasta II kvartali ja 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
July 16, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
2019. aasta teises kvartalis teenis AS LHV Group kokku 7,7 miljonit eurot konsolideeritud puhaskasumit. AS LHV Pank teenis puhaskasumit 5,9 miljonit eurot ja AS LHV Varahaldus 2,1 miljonit eurot. LHV...
LHV Group unaudited
LHV Group unaudited results for Q2 and 6 months of 2019
July 16, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
In the second quarter of 2019, AS LHV Group altogether earned EUR 7.7 million in consolidated net profit. AS LHV Pank earned EUR 5.9 million and AS LHV Varahaldus EUR 2.1 million as net profit. The...
Töötajate optsioonip
Töötajate optsiooniprogrammi realiseerimisega seotud aktsiaemissiooni märkimistulemused
July 08, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS-i LHV Group töötajate optsiooniprogrammi realiseerimisega seotud aktsiaemissioonist võttis osa 48 LHV endist ja praegust töötajat, kes märkisid kokku 237 594 aktsiat 712 782 euro eest. Seega...
Results of the subsc
Results of the subscription of shares issued in connection with the realisation of the staff options programme
July 08, 2019 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
A total of 48 former and current employees of LHV participated in the issue of AS LHV Group shares which was carried out in connection with the realisation of LHV’s staff options programme,...
Outcome of Subscript
Outcome of Subscription to AS LHV Group Subordinated Bonds
June 25, 2019 01:01 ET | AS LHV Group
The public offering of AS LHV Group subordinated bonds ended on Friday, 21 June. As the initial issue volume of EUR 15 million was oversubscribed, LHV used its right to increase the issue volume to...