LHV Group’s results
LHV Group’s results for May 2017
June 09, 2017 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
In May, the consolidated net profit of LHV Group was EUR 2.3 million; of the major units the Bank earned EUR 1.9 million and Asset Management EUR 0.5 million. Profit belonging to parent company...
AS-i LHV Varahaldus
AS-i LHV Varahaldus aktsiakapitali vähendamine ja põhikirja muutmine
June 01, 2017 02:38 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Group otsustas 1. juunil 2017 vähendada tütarettevõtja AS-i LHV Varahaldus aktsiakapitali 9 300 000 eurolt 2 700 000 euroni, s.t 6 600 000 euro võrra. Aktsiakapitali vähendatakse aktsiate...
AS LHV Varahaldus sh
AS LHV Varahaldus share capital reduction and amendments to the articles of association
June 01, 2017 02:38 ET | AS LHV Group
On 1 June 2017, AS LHV Group decided to reduce the share capital of its subsidiary company, AS LHV Varahaldus, from 9.3 million euros to 2.7 million euros, i.e. by 6.6 million euros. The share...
LHV Groupi 2017. aas
LHV Groupi 2017. aasta aprilli tulemused
May 10, 2017 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
AS LHV Group teenis aprillis 1,9 miljonit eurot konsolideeritud puhaskasumit, millest suurematest üksustest teenis pank 1,4 ja varahaldus 0,6 miljonit eurot. Emaettevõtte aktsionäridele kuulus...
LHV Group’s results
LHV Group’s results for April 2017
May 10, 2017 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
In April AS LHV Group earned EUR 1.9 million consolidated net profit; of the major units the Bank earned EUR 1.4 million and Asset Management EUR 0.6 million. Profit belonging to parent...
Video of AS LHV Grou
Video of AS LHV Group 18 April investor meeting
April 19, 2017 01:05 ET | AS LHV Group
At yesterday's investor meeting AS LHV Group gave an overview of the group's interim results and recent activities. Representing LHV were Madis Toomsalu, Member of the Management board of AS LHV...
LHV Groupi 18. april
LHV Groupi 18. aprilli investorkohtumise video
April 19, 2017 01:05 ET | AS LHV Group
Eile toimunud investorkohtumisel tutvustas AS LHV Group tulemuste vahearuannet ja ettevõtte tegevust. LHV poolt esinesid LHV Groupi juhataja Madis Toomsalu, LHV Panga juhatuse esimees Erki Kilu ja...
LHV Group’s first qu
LHV Group’s first quarter unaudited financial results
April 18, 2017 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
The first three months of 2017 brought AS LHV Group a net profit of EUR 5.1 million, with the bank posting a profit of EUR 4.3 million, asset management EUR 0.7 million and Lithuanian business unit...
LHV Groupi 2017. aas
LHV Groupi 2017. aasta I kvartali auditeerimata majandustulemused
April 18, 2017 01:00 ET | AS LHV Group
Käesoleva aasta esimese kolme kuuga teenis AS LHV Group 5,1 miljonit eurot puhaskasumit: pank teenis 4,3 miljonit eurot, varahaldus 0,7 miljonit eurot ja Leedu äriüksus Mokilizingas 0,3 miljonit...
LHV Pank starts deve
LHV Pank starts development of a new business line
April 04, 2017 01:30 ET | AS LHV Group
LHV Pank, a subsidiary of AS LHV Group, has decided to initiate a new line of business. In addition to retail banking, private banking and corporate banking, LHV will start servicing payment service...