Muudatused Admiral M
Muudatused Admiral Markets AS-i juhatuses
September 12, 2024 07:16 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu kutsus tagasi juhatuse liikme Sergei Bogatenkovi ning tema viimane tööpäev ettevõttes oli 09.09.2024. See samm on osa käesoleva aasta alguses käivitunud muutustest, kus...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS
September 12, 2024 07:16 ET | Admiral Markets AS
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS has recalled the member of the Management Board Sergei Bogatenkov, and his last working day for the company was 09.09.2024. This step is part of the...
Correction: Admiral
Correction: Admiral Markets AS 2024. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
September 02, 2024 06:00 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS 2024. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused Kuigi finantsturgudel valitses 2024. aasta esimesel poolel madal volatiilsus, saavutas Admiral Markets AS kauplemistulude kasvu ja...
Correction: Admiral
Correction: Admiral Markets AS 2024 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results
September 02, 2024 06:00 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS 2024 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results Despite the low volatility in the financial markets in the first half of 2024, Admiral Markets AS delivered increased trading revenues and...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2024. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
August 30, 2024 07:00 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS 2024. aasta 6 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused Kuigi finantsturgudel valitses 2024. aasta esimesel poolel madal volatiilsus, saavutas Admiral Markets AS kauplemistulude kasvu ja...
Admiral Markets AS 2
Admiral Markets AS 2024 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results
August 30, 2024 07:00 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS 2024 Unaudited 6 Months Financial Results Despite the low volatility in the financial markets in the first half of 2024, Admiral Markets AS delivered increased trading revenues and...
Muudatused Admiral M
Muudatused Admiral Markets AS-i juhatuses ning majandusaastateks 2024 ja 2025 audiitori nimetamine
August 22, 2024 07:23 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admiral Markets AS-i nõukogu nimetas alates 21. augustist 2024 ühingu uueks juhatuse liikmeks Eduard Kelvet’i. Eduardi peamisteks vastutusvaldkondadeks jäävad riskijuhtimine ja vastavuskontroll. ...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Admiral Markets AS, and appointment of an auditor for financial years 2024 and 2025
August 22, 2024 07:23 ET | Admiral Markets AS
The Supervisory Board of Admiral Markets AS has appointed Eduard Kelvet as a new member of the Management Board of the Company, effective from August 21, 2024. Eduard’s primary areas of responsibility...
Muudatused Admirals
Muudatused Admirals Group AS nõukogus ja juhatuses
July 02, 2024 10:26 ET | Admiral Markets AS
Admirals Group AS-i nõukogu nimetas alates 1. juulist 2024 ühingu uuteks juhatuse liikmeteks Eduard Kelvet’i ja Lauri Reinberg’i. Liitumaks ühingu juhatuse meeskonnaga lahkus Eduard Kelvet ühingu...
Changes in the Super
Changes in the Supervisory and Management Board of Admirals Group AS
July 02, 2024 10:26 ET | Admiral Markets AS
The Supervisory Board of Admirals Group AS has appointed Eduard Kelvet and Lauri Reinberg as new members of the Management Board of the Company, effective from July 1, 2024. To join the Management...