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Insider's Dealing
December 05, 2008 07:25 ET | BioPorto A/S
In accordance with Section 28(a) of the Danish Securities Trading Act, BioPorto is required to publish details of the transactions in BioPorto's shares and related securities effected by senior...
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Indberetning af ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med BioPorto aktier og tilknyttede papirer
December 05, 2008 07:25 ET | BioPorto A/S
I henhold til værdipapirhandelslovens § 28 a skal BioPorto A/S hermed indberette oplysninger om ledende medarbejderes og disses nærtståendes transaktioner med BioPorto aktier og tilknyttede...
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Q3 2008 for the BioPorto Group
November 26, 2008 08:11 ET | BioPorto A/S
Summary of Q3 2008 BioPorto has experienced positive developments in Q3 2008. BioPorto has obtained certification in Europe of the Group's NGAL cut-off patent. This has strengthened the company's...
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3. kvartal 2008 for BioPorto koncernen
November 26, 2008 08:11 ET | BioPorto A/S
Resumé for 3. kvartal 2008 BioPorto har i 3. kvartal af 2008 haft en positiv udvikling. Der er opnået godkendelse af BioPortos NGAL cut-off patent i Europa. Det har styrket selskabets position i...
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Announcement from major shareholder
September 30, 2008 06:49 ET | BioPorto A/S
BioPorto A/S has been informed that Sparbank A/S has reduced its ownership to 1,885,000 shares with a nominal value of DKK 3,00 per share in BioPorto A/S, which represents 4.92% of the shares....
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September 30, 2008 06:49 ET | BioPorto A/S
BioPorto A/S har modtaget meddelelse om, at Sparbank A/S har nedbragt sin aktiebeholdning og dermed er indehaver af en aktiepost på 1.885.000 stk. aktier a nominelt DKK 3,00 i BioPorto A/S, hvilket...
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Announcement from major shareholder
September 25, 2008 06:53 ET | BioPorto A/S
BioPorto A/S has been informed that Sparbank A/S holds 2,170,000 shares with a nominal value of DKK 3,00 per share in BioPorto A/S, which represents 5.67% of the shares. Further...
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September 25, 2008 06:53 ET | BioPorto A/S
BioPorto A/S har modtaget meddelelse om, at Sparbank A/S er indehaver af en aktiepost på 2.170.000 stk. aktier a nominelt DKK 3,00 i BioPorto A/S, hvilket svarer til 5,67% af aktiekapitalen....
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Aktiekapital og stemmerettigheder
September 16, 2008 04:56 ET | BioPorto A/S
I henhold til § 17, stk. 2 i bekendtgørelse nr. 226 af 15. marts 2007 om udstederes oplysningsforpligtelser bekendtgøres det hermed, at BioPorto A/S' samlede aktiekapital udgør kr. 114.907.872...
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Share Capital and Votes
September 16, 2008 04:56 ET | BioPorto A/S
Under Act 17, part 2 in executive order no. 226 dated March 15, 2007 on reporting obligations, BioPorto A/S hereby announces that the company's total share capital amounts to DKK 114,907,872 divided...