Coop Pank 2020. aast
Coop Pank 2020. aasta IV kvartali ja 12 kuu auditeerimata majandustulemused
February 11, 2021 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank kasvatas 2020. aastal neljandat tegutsemisaastat järjest ärimahtusid 40%. Panga klientide arv ulatus 2020. aasta lõpu seisuga 86 700 kliendini, kasvades aastaga 23 000 võrra ehk 36%....
Unaudited financial
Unaudited financial results of Coop Pank for Q4 and 12 months of 2020
February 11, 2021 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
In 2020, Coop Pank increased its business volumes by 40% for the fourth consecutive year. Number of the bank’s customers at the end of 2020 was 86,700 – an increase of 23,000 customers, i.e....
Coop Pank AS nõukogu
Coop Pank AS nõukogu liikme tagasiastumine
February 09, 2021 04:22 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS (pank) annab teada, et panga nõukogu liige Ardo Hillar Hansson on teavitanud panga juhatust oma soovist astuda tagasi nõukogu liikme kohalt seoses asumisega ametisse Eesti Vabariigi...
Resignation of a mem
Resignation of a member of the Supervisory Board of Coop Pank AS
February 09, 2021 04:22 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS (the Bank) announces that Ardo Hillar Hansson, a member of the Supervisory Board, has notified the Management Board of his wish to resign, as he will start in the position of Economic...
Coop Pank AS korrald
Coop Pank AS korraldab 2020. aasta neljanda kvartali ja 12 kuu majandustulemuste tutvustamiseks veebiseminari
February 05, 2021 02:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank kutsub aktsionäre, investoreid, analüütikuid ja teisi huvilisi osalema veebiseminaril 11. veebruaril 2021 kell 10.00. Veebiseminar toimub eesti keeles. Tulemusi tutvustavad panga...
Coop Pank AS will ho
Coop Pank AS will hold an investor webinar to introduce the results for the fourth quarter and 12 month of 2020.
February 05, 2021 02:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank invites shareholders, investors, analysts and other stakeholders to join its investor webinar, scheduled on 11 February 2021 at 10 am (EET). The webinar will be held in Estonian.The webinar...
Coop Pank AS 2020. a
Coop Pank AS 2020. aasta novembri tulemused
December 11, 2020 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Panga 2020. aasta novembri majandustulemused: Panga klientide arv kasvas novembris 2100 võrra ja ulatus kuu lõpuks 84 100-ni. Aastaga on kliendibaas kasvanud 36%.Panga klientide hoiuste maht...
Coop Pank AS results
Coop Pank AS results for November 2020
December 11, 2020 01:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank’s financial results in November 2020: In November, the number of the bank's clients increased by 2,100 and reached 84,100 by the end of the month. Over the year, the customer base has grown...
Muudatused Coop Fina
Muudatused Coop Finants AS-i juhatuses
December 04, 2020 06:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Coop Pank AS-i tütarettevõtte Coop Finants AS-i nõukogu otsustas täna, 04.12.2020 valida Coop Finants AS-ile kaks uut juhatuse liiget, kelleks on Jörgen Jõulu ja Laura Teder. Uute juhatuse liikmete...
Changes in the Manag
Changes in the Management Board of Coop Finants AS
December 04, 2020 06:00 ET | Coop Pank AS
Today, on 4th December 2020, the Supervisory Board of Coop Finants AS, a subsidiary of Coop Pank AS, decided to elected Mr. Jörgen Jõulu and Ms. Laura Teder as the new Members of the Management Board...