Enefit Green omandas
Enefit Green omandas Eesti Energialt Liivi lahe meretuulepargi arenduse
March 29, 2023 10:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green AS ja Eesti Energia AS sõlmisid täna ostu-müügilepingu, mille kohaselt Enefit Green ostab Eesti Energialt Liivi Offshore OÜ 100% osaluse ligi 6,2 miljoni euro eest. Enefit Greeni...
Enefit Green acquire
Enefit Green acquires Gulf of Riga offshore wind farm development project from Eesti Energia
March 29, 2023 10:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Today, Enefit Green AS and Eesti Energia AS entered into a purchase and sale agreement, according to which Enefit Green will buy 100% of Liivi Offshore OÜ from Eesti Energia for nearly 6.2 million...
Muudatus Enefit Gree
Muudatus Enefit Greeni 2023. aasta finantskalendris
March 24, 2023 03:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green muudab I kvartali 2023 vahearuande avalikustamise päeva. Varem teatatud info kohaselt oli kavas I kvartali vahearuanne avalikustada 4. mail 2023. Uueks I kvartali 2023 vahearuande...
Change in Enefit Gre
Change in Enefit Green’s financial calendar for 2023
March 24, 2023 03:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green will change the disclosure date of the interim report for the first quarter of 2023. According to previously reported information, the first quarter 2023 interim report was expected to be...
Enefit Greeni tootmi
Enefit Greeni tootmisandmed – veebruar 2023
March 10, 2023 02:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green tootis veebruaris 119,9 GWh elektrienergiat ehk 12,4% võrra vähem eelmise aasta sama perioodiga võrreldes. Tootmistulemust mõjutasid peamiselt Eesti ja Leedu tuuleparkide madalam toodang....
Enefit Green product
Enefit Green production data – February 2023
March 10, 2023 02:00 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Green produced 119.9 GWh of electricity in February, which is 12.4% less than in the same period last year. The production result was mainly influenced by the lower production in Estonian and...
Täiendav informatsio
Täiendav informatsioon Enefit Greeni uue juhatuse liikme kohta
March 02, 2023 11:15 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Lisaks eile, 1. märtsil 2023 avaldatud informatsioonile uue juhatuse liikme nimetamise kohta (Enefit Greeni uueks juhatuse liikmeks saab Andres Maasing (nasdaq.com)) avaldame täiendavat informatsiooni...
Additional informati
Additional information about the new Member of the Management Board of Enefit Green
March 02, 2023 11:15 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
In addition to the information published yesterday, 1 March 2023, about the appointment of a new member of the Management Board (Andres Maasing appointed as the new Member of the Management Board of...
Enefit Greeni uueks
Enefit Greeni uueks juhatuse liikmeks saab Andres Maasing
March 01, 2023 02:30 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
Enefit Greeni nõukogu nimetas Enefit Greeni juhatuse liikmeks Andres Maasingu. Andres Maasing asub juhatuses täitma arendusjuhi funktsiooni vastutades taastuvenergia arenduste elluviimise ja ettevõtte...
Andres Maasing appoi
Andres Maasing appointed as the new Member of the Management Board of Enefit Green
March 01, 2023 02:30 ET | ENEFIT GREEN AS
The Supervisory Board of Enefit Green has appointed Andres Maasing as a Member of the Management Board of Enefit Green. Andres Maasing will take up the role of Chief Development Officer in the...