Indkaldelse til ordi
Indkaldelse til ordinær generalforsamling i FirstFarms A/S
March 25, 2024 08:00 ET | FirstFarms A/S
Bestyrelsen indkalder hermed til ordinær generalforsamling i FirstFarms A/S, CVR 28 31 25 04. Generalforsamlingen afholdes tirsdag den 16. april 2024 kl. 14.00 på: SAGRO, Majsmarken 1, DK-7190...
Notice to convene th
Notice to convene the annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S
March 25, 2024 08:00 ET | FirstFarms A/S
The Board of Directors hereby convenes to annual general meeting in FirstFarms A/S, CVR 28 31 25 04. The annual general meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 April 2024 at 2 p.m. in: SAGRO, Majsmarken...
FirstFarms A/S' Årsr
FirstFarms A/S' Årsrapport 2023: Fundamentet for kraftig vækst på plads
March 21, 2024 04:24 ET | FirstFarms A/S
FirstFarms A/S tangerer det næstbedste driftsresultat (EBITDA) siden børsnoteringen i 2006. Fundamentet for kraftig vækst og indfrielse af 2028 strategi er på plads ved et tilfredsstillende 2023...
FirstFarms A/S' Annu
FirstFarms A/S' Annual report 2023: The foundation for strong growth in place
March 21, 2024 04:24 ET | FirstFarms A/S
FirstFarms A/S achieves the second-best operating result (EBITDA) since the listing on the stock exchange in 2006. The foundation for strong growth and fulfilment of the 2028 strategy is in place with...
FirstFarms A/S tilde
FirstFarms A/S tildeler warrants
March 08, 2024 02:51 ET | FirstFarms A/S
Den samlede ledelse i ind- og udland bliver tildelt warrants og dermed ret til på et tidspunkt at tegne aktier til en på forhånd aftalt dagskurs.        FirstFarms’ bestyrelse ønsker med tildelingen...
FirstFarms A/S alloc
FirstFarms A/S allocates warrants
March 08, 2024 02:51 ET | FirstFarms A/S
The entire management at domestic and foreign level is allocated warrants and are thus, eventually, entitled to subscribe shares at a pre-agreed price. With the allocation of warrants, FirstFarms’...
FirstFarms A/S: Stor
FirstFarms A/S: Storaktionærmeddelelse – Constantinsborg A/S og Olav W. Hansen A/S
March 06, 2024 09:30 ET | FirstFarms A/S
I henhold til kapitalmarkedslovens § 30 meddeler FirstFarms A/S hermed at have modtaget meddelelse fra Olav W. Hansen A/S den 5. marts 2024 om, at Olav W. Hansen A/S har solgt 1.148.788 aktier i...
FirstFarms A/S: Majo
FirstFarms A/S: Major shareholder announcement - Constantinsborg A/S and Olav W. Hansen A/S
March 06, 2024 09:30 ET | FirstFarms A/S
Pursuant to section 30 of the Danish Capital Market Act, FirstFarms A/S hereby announces that FirstFarms A/S on 5 March 2024 has received a notification from Olav W. Hansen A/S according to which Olav...
FirstFarms A/S: Stor
FirstFarms A/S: Storaktionærmeddelelse – Constantinsborg A/S
February 29, 2024 04:43 ET | FirstFarms A/S
I henhold til kapitalmarkedslovens § 30 meddeler FirstFarms A/S hermed at have modtaget meddelelse fra Constantinsborg A/S om, at Constantinsborg A/S ejer 10,77% af aktiekapitalen og...
FirstFarms A/S: Majo
FirstFarms A/S: Major shareholder announcement - Constantinsborg A/S
February 29, 2024 04:43 ET | FirstFarms A/S
Pursuant to section 30 of the Danish Capital Market Act, FirstFarms A/S hereby announces that FirstFarms A/S has received a notification from Constantinsborg A/S according to which Constantinsborg A/S...