no 2/19 Risk Parameter Update
January 31, 2019 09:51 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Risk parameters for all Commodity Derivatives Contracts will be updated based on a monthly review.
The updated parameters will become effective in the intra-day margin calculation at 9 am CET on...

no 1/19 Stress Margin Add-on
January 24, 2019 09:00 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Nasdaq Clearing is introducing an enhancement to its margin framework in form of a Stress Margin Add-on.
The purpose of the Stress Margin Add-on is to add a specific stress component to the margin...

IT – Nasdaq Web Systems – Decommissioning of SafeNet tokens
January 21, 2019 10:32 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
As previously announced, Nasdaq will decommission SafeNet’s 2FA solution.
Users of Q-Port, CMS Web, TRACK and NFM that still log in with a SafeNet token are from now on prompted with a...

Nasdaq Commodities Welcomes Noova
January 11, 2019 03:32 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Nasdaq Commodities is pleased to announce that Noova Energi System AS (Noova) has joined Nasdaq’s Nordic Commodities market.
Noova.no is an energy company trading power and electricity on behalf...

IT – Genium INET 5.0.0220 Project Update
December 21, 2018 10:33 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
This message contains important information regarding the Genium INET upgrade on March 23rd 2019 to version 5.0.0220 which includes new mandatory functionalities and enhancements going live...

Option Exercise Results Nordic Power
December 20, 2018 07:31 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Following today’s option exercise on Nordic Power a volume of 0,00 TWh are delivered in the underlying series ENOFUTBLQ1-19 and a volume of 6,132 TWh in the underlying series ENOFUTBLYR-19

Option Exercise Reservations/Exercise Requests Nordic Power
December 20, 2018 06:55 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
No in the money-option series was denied exercise as the result of a reservation.
No out of the money-option series was exercised as the result of a manual exercise request....

CORRECTION: Option Exercise Nordic Power
December 20, 2018 06:43 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Fixing price for underlying contracts:
Final Exercise List is attached....

Option Exercise German Power
December 20, 2018 06:16 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Fixing price for option underlying contracts EDEFBQ1-19 59,20 EUR
Fixing price for option underlying contracts EDEFBY-19 54,90 EUR...

Option Exercise Nordic Power
December 20, 2018 06:12 ET
Nasdaq Commodities
Fixing price for underlying contracts:
Final Exercise List is attached....